Chapter Fourty Nine ✓

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"CLARY I REALLY NEED TO TALK-" Was all I could hear in my head. "I think I'm turning into a vampire. I'm scared." Beep. Tears filled my eyes.

Simon. Our Simon. The same Simon who saved Clary and I from all the bullies back in middle school. The same Simon who bumped into me at school one day and we instantly became friends.

"This is all my fault." Clary said. My stomach twisted into knots. "It is. It's ours." I agreed. "It's our fault," I whispered. I looked down at dying Simon. 

"Clary, Bella. This isn't your fault." Jace said. I scoffed. "No, it is! If it weren't for us, Simon would never have even known about the Shadowhunter world." I snapped angrily at Jace. "He would never have been kidnapped by vampires. He wouldn't have met Camille. He wouldn't... he wouldn't be dead!" Clary yelled. A tear dropped from my eye and I instantly  wiped it away.

"A fledging. He's in transition." Raphael said. I rolled my eyes. "And now we're left with two... two reprehensible choices. And I can't figure out which ones worse." Clary said. I turned to the vampire, spinning on my heel. "If uh, if we bury Simon what are the risks?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest. "Bella, no. Absolutely not." Jace said. "Jace, we need to know!"

"Bella's right." Clary said. "If Simon is buried and he doesn't emerge...he would be trapped under the earth, starving for eternity." My eyes widened. "Oh, my god," I breathed. "And, uh... if I stake him?" I asked, gulping.

"He'll die a human death. It's painless as far as I know."

I frowned, turning to Simon. "Simon, I'm so sorry," Clary said, sobbing. "Clary, I- I can't be here anymore. I have to go." I said, wiping a tear away. "I understand, Bella," Clary said. "I just need to go find Alec." Clary nodded. I brought my sister in a hug.

"Goodbye, Simon," I said, after hugging Clary. I kissed Simon softly on the forehead and I frowned. 


I walked up the stairs and back to where the computers were. I saw Alec. I quickly wiped my fresh tear away. I don't want him to see me cry.

"Bella, are you alright?" Alec asked. He walked over to me.

We were standing nearby the door then all the sudden Alec's younger sibling walked over to us. "Hi, Bella. Alec, do you think you could get my stele back?" Max asked. Alec crouched down. The little kid knows my name... "Max, they took it away from you because you nearly burnt down the Mumbai institute." "How many times do I have to say it? It was an accident!" Max sighed. "Look, Max. Somebody very important is coming to visit us for a while, all right? You think you can stay out of trouble for a couple of days? If you do, I promise I'll get your stele back."

The little kid smiled which made me smile a little. All of the sudden, the door opened. I turned my head and I wanted to scream. My chest rose, and my body stiffened. It was him.

It was Valentine walking through the institute door.

"Bella, get back." Alec said. He pushed Max and I out of the way. Max grabbed my hand. Valentine walked over to us. He kept a serious face on then he took a stele out of his pocket. He dragged something over his right arm then his body started to evaporate.

What the hell? What the hell is going on? Alec shot the arrow then the girl caught it. My eyes widened when a girl with blonde hair stood there. "That reaction time was a abysmal," she said, she placed her arms at her side. My eyes widened. What the...Who is that?

"Except for you," she said, "I'm Lydia Branwell, onvoy from the Clave."


Lydia walked right into the institute like it was nothing. Who is that girl? Why is she here?

"Maryse," Lydia said. Alec's Mother walked over. Alec grabbed my elbow and we followed.

"Alec, who is that?" I whispered. He didn't answer me. I huffed, blowing a strand of hair out of my face.

"The Clave has ordered me to take temporary control over this institute." Lydia said.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why? "Wait a minute. Nobody has informed us." Maryse said.

"The Clave doesn't need to. And to complete myself, it's temporary," Lydia said. She walked by to one of the computers and touched it with her stele.

"Nothing's been decided yet. But I do need a full clearance in order to access how this situation is running." Lydia turned to me, "And where is the other Fairchild?" "She's in the field training." Alec said. I turned to him.

'Thanks." I mouthed. Alec nodded, folding his arms. I walked over to him and stood beside him. "You're telling me she's just out and about in the streets of New York?" Lydia asked. "The other daughter of Valentine?" "Aren't they also your cousin?" Isabelle asked.


What? How? I'm so confused.

"Distant cousins." Lydia said. "She's with Jace." Alec said. "The same Jace Wayland who decided to lead an unsanctioned raid against the vampires?" I raised an eyebrow. "I read reports," Lydia said like it was no big deal.

"Jace might be unconventional, but he's our best soldier." Maryse said. I squeezed Alec's hand lightly.

"If he's with Clary, then she's in good hands." Alec's Mother said. "I hope so. For your sake, and all of New York."

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