Chapter Twenty Four ✓

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THE MUSIC WAS BLARING WHEN WE WALKED INTO THE CLUB. Sighing, I followed Clary right behind her heels. "Blend in. Keep your weapons ready." Jace said. I nodded, looking down at my outfit not really sure how I can blend in while I'm wearing converses to a downworlders party. Oh, well.

"Magnus!" Jace shouted from across the room. I looked up to meet eyes with brown ones. "Bella and Clary Fairchild. You girls have grown into beautiful young ladies." Magnus commented. I folded my arms and sighed. "Magnus Bane. So you're the one who stole our memories." Clary said to him.

"At your Mother's request. She knew the risk."

"Show me the jewelry." Magnus said to Jace. Jace took the necklace out of his pocket and showed it to Magnus. "Uh ah," Jace says. "Not so fast, Warlock. Give Clary and Bella back their memories. Then I'll give you the jewelry." Magnus gave Jace a look. "I have to confirm its authenticity." Frowning, I watched Jace gave Magnus the necklace and sighed.

"Amor, verus, numquam, moritor," Magnus read, reading the back. I have no clue what that means.

"True love cannot die. Oh, how I've missed this jewel." Magnus said. "Now it's your turn to pay up," I said to Magnus. "I wish I could retrieve your's and Bella's memories, but I no longer have them." Magnus said. My eyes widened. "What!" I yelled. A few people turned to look at me but I shrugged them off.

"Wait, what? Where are they?" Clary asked.

"I fed them to a memory demon for safe keeping," Magnus says, looking away. Then he looked back at Jace, Clary, and I. "And why the hell would you do that?" "To protect Clary and Bella from the Cup." Magnus replied. "If Valentine ever captured me, he could torture me and get Clary and Bella's memories from me." Magnus explained. "Just like he tortured Dot." My eyes widened.

"Wait. Is Dot okay?" I asked, my eyes meeting his.

"You don't know?"

"Don't know... what?" "Dot is dead." My heart broke into millions of pieces. I felt the tears beginning to fill my eyes, but none of them dropped. She was like Clary and mine's older sister. She's always been there for us and there's so many memories. Oh, god.

"H-how do you know?" Clary asked. "I can't feel her magic anymore. Valentine killed her because she would not betray your Mother."

"Oh, my god," I choked out.

"Come with me Bella, Clary. My lair can offer you two protection no shadowhunter ever can," Magnus said. He glanced at Clary and I. I thought about it for a moment. Apparently, their magic is super powerful. Would Clary and I actually be safe there from Valentine? I don't know....

"No!" Clary scoffed. That sums it up.

"No. Bella and I aren't going anywhere with you!" Clary said to Magnus. "Don't be a fool. Your Mother would want you both to live."

"And we're perfectly fine here." I stated.

"Then help my twin and I get our memories back from whatever demon you gave them to." Clary said to Magnus. "Valentine is hunting you, too. And every moment outside of our lairs protection is a moment Valentine gets closer to finding us." I watched as Magnus made a portal. "Come with me," Magnus said, holding out his hand. "I will not offer again."

"No!" I said. "No. Clair and I won't hide from our problems. And neither should you!" "Watch out!" I heard a women yell. A man behind Magnus came up to him until a arrow flew into his chest. The man landed on the ground. "Are you ok?" Alec asked me. He walked up to me. I nodded, rubbing my forehead with the back of my hand. "Y-yeah I'm good." Alec nodded then walked over to retrieve the arrow from the man's chest.

"Magnus, wait!" I shouted.

"Valentine found us. I warned your Mother this might happen." "Wait...!" Clary yelled. Then Magnus disappeared along with our memories.

Skinny Love ↠ Alec Lightwood ✓Where stories live. Discover now