Chapter 7

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"Did you hear about the new student at Grant?" Niall directed to me.

I thought I could escape the whole Harry situation, but apparently not.

"Yeah. My roommate is showing him around campus, I guess."

Niall took a sip out of his water and looked at the menu again. "I heard he's a real dick."

I nearly choked on my water before coughing. "Who?" I asked, even though I knew he was talking about Harry.

"The new kid." He almost seemed displeased with Harry, even though he's never even met him.

It's quite weird because all the time I've known Niall, I've never once witnessed him so enraged.

"He can't be too bad." I suggested although I don't know why I was trying to save Harry, I haven't talked to him in years.

Niall paused to take a look at me before speaking again. "Skylar, I heard it with my own ears." He was beginning to get super defensive and I didn't feel like getting in an argument so I remained quiet.

The rest of the night we talked about school and made fun of the people in our class.

"See, this is why no one likes us!" I joked.

Niall howled with laughter which made me laugh too.

We sat in the restaurant for hours, laughing and laughing.

When I took a look at my phone, it was past midnight. I stood up immediately. "Shit."

He stopped smiling and stood up beside me. "What is it?"

"It's past curfew."

Niall threw his napkin on the table and grabbed his wallet, running to the front counter.

Grant has very strict rules and if you break them you have to help out in the dining hall one day for a lunch session. It doesn't seem too bad, but it's actually terrible.

Niall ran up to me and gripped my hand tightly. "We gotta run."

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