part one

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New story !! It's the first time I'm writing a student/teacher story so if I'm bad , don't hate me 😉

I only own the story line !!



I opened my eyes and threw a pillow at my alarm on my nightstand. I hate getting up , and I hate the idea of a new school. It's my last year and I can't wait to get out of hell.

I hear my door swing open and I look up to find my dear old sister shaking her head at me and rolling her eyes.

"What ?" I look up and she snorts at my question.

"Regina I suggest you get up if you want me to drive you to school." I get up and move to the bathroom , my sister and I are really close but I am not a morning person. If you wake me you sit with my moods.

I take a quick shower , I sing to Adel's rumour has it while I shower. It's a terrible song but I just can't get enough of it I guess.

I get out of the shower and towel dry my short brown hair looking for something to wear. " Reg are you almost done !?" I hear my sister scream from downstairs.

We are the only two living in this house. My mother and father both died when I was maybe thirteen. I went to a foster home from there till my sister finished school then she adopted me and now I move extremely much but I know my sister does what she can. We moved to this small town in Maine , it's really a hidden town I guess.

I slip into skinny white ripped jeans and a flowey greyish top. I pull on some sneakers and I do my makeup. I grab my backpack and run down the stairs to the kitchen. I almost slip and fall as I see my best friend in the doorway.

" Oh my goodness !! What are you doing here August?!" I run up to him and jump into his arms hugging him as tight as I can , I haven't seen him since I got out of Boston three years ago. I still found a way to keep in touch with him , so he is still my favourite person.

" I moved here from Boston where you left me and I decided I won't live without my best friend. I did a little traveling job and now I'm loaded and I moved here to finish hell with you." I pulled away and smiled at him , I'm so happy to have him here. Now I won't be starting a new school year on my own.

" Where are you staying ?" I look out the door to find a black SUV and a boot stuffed with clothes and stuff. I turn my head back to August my mouth open and an eyebrow raised.

" What ? I had no where else to go !" I turn around and look at Zelena with a puppy pout . She starts shaking her head and backing away from me as I walk closer.

" Huhuh Regina no , I'm not falling for that . He can't stay here , what will I do with you two !?" I turn around to see August also with his puppy face and I stand still till he's besides me.

" Oh come on sis , he can drive me to school! And help buy food , both of us will find a job. Com on Zelena , he has nowhere to go . Look at that terrible thing he calls a car !" I turn around and August is glaring at me , I smile a ' sorry ' and turn back to my sister.

She stopped backing up and stared at me with her hands crossed over her chest. I smiled knowing that she's going to say yes. I looked at August and ran to him jumping up and down screaming. He laughed at me and we looked back at Zelena.

" You guys are children , I won't tolerate loud music and party's mister Booth. And you will help me with the house ." I smiled up at August who had his brow lifted.

" Oh come on August you know you like music and party's. " I turn to Zelena and smile a thank you , this year actually started smooth.

" If you don't want to be late for school you might want to get going , you have ten minutes." I looked at August and started running out the door Zelena laughed at us and yelled a " goodbye !" I waved back not looking at her and jumped into August's messy SUV. He got in and started the car , rushing to the school.

" God you have to clean this messy car , and today if possible." He looks at me for a short moment and I lift a finger in his face. " You will clean this car mister Booth , I will not tolerate this mess !" He laughs at my bad impression of Zelena and we park at the school.

I grab my backpack and run for the door as I hear the bell signal the beginning of hell. I run to the administration office and she hands me an envelope with my schedule and locker code in. I run to my locker but before I get there I bump into someone and fall down.

" Oh I'm- " I start but I'm cut off by a pair of ocean blue eyes on me. I scan the body to find it's a teacher.

I get up and start picking up her stuff . I compose myself and finish the sentence I was starting. " I'm so sorry miss , I didn't see you there. She looks up at me and smiles kindly.

" It's okay , I'm miss Swan , do you know what class you have now , your rather late." I sigh and she gives me a knowing smile as she hands me my schedule so I can check where I am.

" Ahh , I am at a mister Gold , I'm sorry for running into you." " It's okay , I'll take you to his class and explain why your late okay ?" I nod a thanks and walk with her. I can't help but stare at her as we walk : soft pink lips , big blue eyes and a bush of blonde framing her face beautifully. She catches me staring and I look down. Hearing a beautiful giggle from her making my heart flutter and placing a smile on my lips.

We get to Golds class and I walk in , miss Swan explains why I'm late and he directs me to a chair . I glare at August as he waggles his brows at me. He knows I'm completely lesbian and he likes getting me on dates rather often.

I sit next to him and punch him in the arm as he smirks at me. " Wow Mills you work fast , where were you , I turned around and you were gone." I roll my eyes at him and sigh.

" I went to get my schedule and ran to my locker but I bumped into the teacher and she helped me explain everything." I sigh and remember her beautiful laugh as I start daydreaming.

I feel a nug on my shoulder and I look up to see the whole class staring at me. " Miss Mills would you be so kind as to pay attention in class please. " I feel the blush on my cheeks and I nod my head , I hear August laugh at me and I hit him in the leg making him stop.

The bell signals the end of session and I get up and get my schedule out to check my next class. I smile and blush at the same time as I see the name ...

Miss Swan

How was that for a first chapter guys ... Please comment I really actually dreamt this whole thing up and I think it'll be good.

J 🐤👑

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