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The sun was just popping through the clouds that morning as a quick breeze flew between the leaves. There was something not right though, a certain smell was in the air. The smell of blood.

The young man dashed through the trees trying not to be caught. Someone had noticed and recognized his dark locks and stern face now they were after him. The young man could not pin point in what way he wronged the people of this village.

He raked his brain to find clues to solve the mystery although there was none. He only stayed there one night and already the villagers hated him. To him it was not that surprising. His decisions in the past ruined his reputation.

He had only turned his life around a year and a half ago when a certain someone fought him for the world's freedom from Kaguya and his own. That was the biggest eye-opener he'd ever gotten. His best friend, the man who had beaten the evilest people in the world and could get everyone's recognition. Naruto Uzumaki, better known as the Nine Tail's jinchuriki.

The only cost to the man was losing his left arm which was his dominant one, but he had gained more than he deserved. He still had his life and was forgiven by most people in the village. There was finally peace and sincerity in his heart all because three people cared about him. That grace was enough to change his ways.

There were only two things that kept him from going back to his beloved home, the unexpected enemies that were not far behind him and a certain woman who was constantly on his mind.

.... Suddenly multiple kunai flew towards the man who was fleeing-or trying to- the village that recently housed him.

"Sasuke Uchiha!" A ninja's voice broke through the trees signaling that they were very close behind the last of the Uchiha clan. Sasuke sprung off the branch his foot last touched giving him an extra boost. That didn't help much when he felt a strong strike of pain on his left side.

He'd been hit in the upper back. He dared not to look back even though he could stop them with a single glare of the rinnegan. No. I need to get away without them seeing my eyes. It's not worth it. The Uchiha told himself as he spotted a cave not too far. He teleported there with a single thought.

The small village's ninja we bewildered by the disappearance of the famous Sasuke Uchiha.

As Sasuke ended up in the cave he collapsed on his hand and knees. He was losing blood and exhausted.

I can't pass out yet, this wound needs to close. He told himself forcing his eyes to stay open and keep his consciousness. The dark-haired man crawled over to the side of the cave to prop himself up. He grabbed the pack that was hidden behind his long black cloak and searched through it.

The only thing in there that would help him close the wound on his side would be the lighter he kept to make small unknown fires.

Here goes nothing. He thought as he pulled out the kunai sticking out of his side and quickly started to burn the skin surrounding the affected area. Sasuke clenched his teeth in pain only letting a hiss leave his lips.

After the deed was done, although he was in more pain then he was before, he sat back breathing heavily calming his body down to try and sleep. He had no choice but to let his guard down.

The only thought that was in his mind before he drifted away into a dreamless sleep was a picture of a girl with naturally pink hair and jade eyes.

It would've been a lot easier if it was you who was healing me...Sakura.


So you've decided to embark on this journey with me, welcome!

If you would like to read more of this story and see how it takes off...



If you have any questions do not be hesitant to ask!

Published 12/7/2016

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