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Well fuck.
Here I am again.
Going on and on and on and watching time pass me by.
Seconds into minutes
Minutes into hours
Hours into days
Days into weeks
Weeks into months
Months into years
Years into a life time.

I'm watching it all slither by me and dissolve into acid running down my throat.

I don't even grasp and grip at it anymore
I don't care to try

I've stopped caring
And I know it's dangerous
But the thing about not caring
Is that I don't fucking care

The dark fills my eyes
And the dust rattles in my lungs
And the fire battles against ice in my veins

And here I sit
Watching the moon admire the sun
while she runs from the heat at the same time

My life is meaningless in the end
Everything is
So why am I putting so much effort into it?

The anxiety claws at my rib cage
The depression is gripping at my spine
The anorexia settles into the pit of my stomach
My mind spirals into chaos
And my soul evaporates into the mist
That's gathering in my eyes.

I still have fight left to give
But I have given up on this war

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