Teasing 3

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Scott instantly reaches out to protect Mitchs head of the hard floor. His eyes wide in shock he places the boy in his lap searching for any damage which could have caused Mitchs unconsciousness. He doesn't find anything expect a little folded piece of paper sticking out of the pocket of his jumpsuit:

Call me anytime :*


The blondes breathing becomes erratic at the few words and he crumples the note with his balled fist.

No time for that now! Get your shit together and help your boy!

He shoved the slip into his pocket and picks Mitch up bridal stile after pulling up his pants. This was no place to take care of Mitch. He quickly makes his way through the dancing crowd and he can't help but glance around searching for someone familiar. He hurries to the door always checking on Mitch steady breathing. When he finally gets out he runs over to his car and puts his friend down on the seat.

"Mitch, sweetie talk to me..." He tries to wake up Mitch from his hazy state.
But nothing happens. Fuck.
I have to get him to the hospital!

Mitch blinks a few times. But everything is blurry and his head starts spinning the more he tries so he just lets him fade away, too tired to even try to hear, feel something.

The next time he wakes up he feels better. His headache is gone and his stomach has stopped turning. And he still feels not quite like himself the need to rest overwhelming him. That was befor he feels a slight squeeze at his hand. His eyes flicker open meeting two blue worried eyes above him.
"Mitch! Oh thank god you are awake." Scott squeals softly, a wave of relief flooding his body.
"No shit sherlock.", the brunette manages to croak and smiles strained as he hears Scotts shooting giggles.
"What happened?", he asks suddenly serious  when he notices all the machines around his hospital bed.
The baritone buries his face in his hands and sighes.
"You don't wanna know...belive me.", he mumbles and trembles when a few scenes of the day before flash trough his mind:

"We can't help your friend Mitch Grassi when we dont know the pills he might took." The doctor explained while looking down at Mitch. "We could do only more damage if we'll do anything uncertainly."
"He didn't took the pills on purpose!", he cursed and shoved his hands in his pockets angrily. Why is this so complicated?  He just wants the doctors help his boy. Just do something!  That's when he felt something brush against his hand. The note from Travis! "So if I find out which pills he took, he would get better?"
"It would be pretty helpful...yes."
"Wait a minute.", he said and grabbed his phone to call Travis.
"Hello baby boy..."
"This is Scott, Mitchs friend. He's lying in the hospital right now...because of you!"
"Hey hey...i didn't do anything! You were the one not taking care of him, watching after him."
Scott clenched his jaw.
"Of course, guess what I'm doing right now? Doing all day? Just split out what you mixed into his drink."
"Just like I said I did nothing!"
This was hopeless...but right before he wanted to hang up Travis spoke up again.
"But I have to admit...that boy was getting a bit of attention and since he's kinda fame too...i heard about guys using plenty of 'simple' sleeping pills to get boys dizzy and shit like that."
Sleeping pills?
"Thank you, bye."

"Scott?", his friend tries to get the attention back. "Huh? Sorry...Someone gave you an overdose of sleeping pills..."
Mitch closes his eyes for a brief moment.
"No...i don't think so...actually he helped me." Scott decides that he has to stop being so jealous and instead of focusing on boys who might hurt his boy he should more focus on Mitch himself.
"U gonna be alright Mitchy...", he says stroking the tenors hair.

"I love you Mitch."

"I love you too."

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