4: Not A Date

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Last night was an interesting night to say the least. Instead of chilling in the house by myself, I was talked into going out by the chance of meeting Selena Gomez. Of course, she wasn't at the fucking party. The last thing that was on her mind was probably some stupid frat party. Even though Selena wasn't there, at least I met one interesting girl. Jennie.

Just like me, she was sick and tired of the party so she left early. Despite her pepper spraying me when I caught her off guard, she seemed like a really sweet girl. From the way she sung to me in the car and how she told me about how she got a lead role in the university's play, I assumed that she was more than talented. She seemed to have high hopes for herself. She was positive and funny, and that's the type of people that I liked to hang around with.

Additionally, she was beautiful as hell. She looked like she belonged on posters and on billboards down the freeways of Los Angeles. I couldn't find one error in her beauty which caught me quite off guard. I wasn't a shallow person and I didn't look for people's physical flaws but it was hard not to stare at her and try to find something wrong with her. It kind of made me angry how good looking she was. I couldn't imagine what her mother looked like, or her father for that matter. I'm sure her family was just as perfect as her.

Instead of laying in bed all morning thinking about the girl I met last night, I knew I had more important things to do such as study. Having computer engineering as a major didn't give me exactly enough free time. I was involved in so many extracurricular activities that I stayed busy 24/7. Sometimes I had to stay up for two days straight just to make sure I got in enough studying, volunteer hours, basketball practice and club meetings into my schedule. My life was pretty hectic, but I liked it that way. It made me enjoy my free time more than usual.

When I got free time, I treated it as a luxury but when I didn't, I didn't complain about it. I just did what I had to do. Today, the plan was to study for a total of four hours straight with limited study breaks, head over to the homeless shelter and get some volunteer hours in and then try to work in something social with one of my friends. So far, I was running a bit late since I woke up past ten in the morning. On the weekends, I usually woke up at exactly 9:15 on the dot. I'm not sure why. It was like some weird body alarm clock. My body's alarm clock somehow failed today though, and my legit alarm on my phone woke me up at 10:30.

Instead of freaking out about my hour less of studying time, I casually walked downstairs in my underwear and made myself a bowl of trusty Frosted Flakes. I went into the sitting room, turned on some old cartoons and enjoyed my bowl of cereal and even went back for seconds. As soon as I finished my second bowl, I thought about getting a third but my phone began vibrating against the coffee table across from me. My parents were calling. Great. Now, I had to waste even more of my study time.

I sighed and put the phone to my ear. "Hi, mommy", I said knowing that my mother was calling and probably had me on speaker for my father. I could see them now, sitting on the old couch covered in plastic looking down at the phone as if I was visible on the screen. Luckily, my parents didn't know about the magic of FaceTime yet. If they did, I'm sure they'd call me at all times of the night trying to figure out if I was doing my schoolwork or partying.

"Hey, honey. How's your grades?", my mother asked me. "Are you still on the honor roll?"

For some reason, my parents were extremely strict as hell about grades. Anything under an A basically dishonored my whole family. I made a B+ in Calculus II and my mother legitimately broke down on the phone. She was sobbing as if she had learned that I had just died in some freak accident. My father summoned me home that weekend and they both talked to me about the importance of education and making our family proud. It was way too overwhelming.

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