3: Pepper Sprayed

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"Oh shit! Are you okay?", I screamed as I stared at the girl across from me. She had her hands covering her face as she screamed to the top of her lungs. I felt like such an idiot! I'm not sure what the girl was trying to tell me, but she definitely wasn't a fuckboy like I thought she was! I stood there with my hands on my hips as I watched the well-dressed girl scream. "I thought you were a frat boy that couldn't take no for an answer! I'm sorry!"

She looked up at me with watery eyes and my heart dropped. What the hell was I thinking? I had really fucked up! I had just made things good for myself by landing the role in the fall play but now I was fucking up! "It's okay! It's okay," the girl kept repeating to me constantly. She was the one who seemed apologetic even though I was the one who had injured her. She wiped at her eyes and let out a distressed sigh. "Can you just help me back to my place? I live in the Tri Delta sorority house just down-just down the street."

Of course I couldn't say no to her. I was the reason she couldn't even make it back to her place alone! "Of course. I'm so sorry. I really don't know what I was thinking."

She chuckled and shook her head at me. "It's cool. You were just trying to protect yourself. Just next time, wait until someone actually attacks you", she joked with me. "I can't see a fucking thing", she told me after she tripped off a beer bottle on the ground. I quickly wrapped my arms around her and began helping her avoid any hazards as we walked. She thanked me under her breath and I moaned to myself.

Not only did I just attack another student, but I attacked a freaking sorority girl! My stomach turned as I thought about whether I had actually blinded her at the moment. What if I did? I could see it now on the front of the school paper and headlining in all the news: The lead of Beauty and the Beast commits a beastly attack. Oh my God! I can't! I can't breathe! What if she fucking sues me?! I'm done! I'm already in debt with my tuition. My parents are going to kill me. They can't afford to put me through college and help me pay for a lawyer to beat a lawsuit. That's it! I'm going to prison. Hopefully, it's like Orange is the New Black in real life.

I led the girl to the doorstep of her luxurious sorority home. I bet she was more than wealthy. Her parents probably could hire the best lawyers in California, even if they couldn't she had plenty of rich sorority sisters that'd be glad to burn me at the stake. Wow, I had really fucked with a sorority girl! That was like fucking with someone that belonged to a demonic cult! They were going to kidnap me later and cut off all my limbs and serve my cooked flesh to my friends as torture! Wow, I fucked up. I might as well just run away to somewhere in Europe and become a stripper. I have the dancing capabilities for it. I wonder how much a one way trip to Belgium is.

The girl beside me began fumbling for her keys and after a few minutes of dropping them multiple of times, she got it unlocked. There was an awkward silence as she took the lead to walk in and I walked in behind her and made sure to close the door behind us. "Can you see yet?", I asked her timidly. I looked around the cluttered house. Sorority girls really had a hard time at keeping things clean.

There was crap all over the ground. My OCD tendencies made me want to begin cleaning up immediately. The floor needed a good sweeping and mopping. There was all types of clothing and gear in the living area as if it was a closet. I didn't even want to see what their bathrooms was like if the common area was so filthy.

The only organized thing was the picture frames of all the generations of the sorority. They ranged all the way back from the early 1900s all the way to the present. I stared at the present picture and tried to find the girl who was standing beside me.

After a while of searching, I found her and she was dressed differently than the rest of the girls in the picture. She wore a jersey. One like the girls on the women's basketball team wore. I stared even harder at her and my mouth dropped. She was on the fucking basketball team! Not only was she on the basketball team, but she was the most known, hottest lesbian on campus. She was Lalisa Manoban! How did I not realize that from the start?! If people found that I pepper sprayed her, they would literally kill me! "No, I still can't see," Lisa lamented.

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