23: Friends

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Lisa was upset with me, so upset that she ignored me for four days straight. In the class we shared, instead of sitting beside me and Seulgi as usual, she sat up front. She blatantly ignored me and it really got to me. It wasn't my fault that she stormed out and left Jisoo and I at dinner. The only thing I can tell her was that nothing was going on between Jisoo and I. It was up to her to believe me and trust me, but obviously she didn't. Jisoo was my friend and no matter how angry Lisa got about that, I wasn't going to let her control who I could and couldn't talk to.

I hated not talking to Lisa and honestly, I missed her but if she was going to act like a child and not at least try to talk about our problems then I didn't see why I should either. I respected her feelings and her possibly needing time to think but at some point, she had to at least tell me what was on her mind so we could work things out. There were only so many times she could read my texts without responding and forward my calls. I really didn't need the stress on top of the play coming to a close soon and even though her games were going well, I knew she didn't need that stress on her as well.

"Still not talking to your Baby L?", Chae asked me as we sat in the library. We were both studying for upcoming exams. Even though I was looking at my textbook, the only person I was thinking about was Lisa. It really irked me that she was treating me like I didn't exist. It was like we never had anything together, like I didn't mean anything to her.

"No. I knew she had a game last night so I wished her good luck. I got the 'read' receipt as usual. She never replies. At this point, I just don't know anymore. It really pisses me off", I told Chae frankly. The only thing I wanted to do was talk but for some reason Lisa wasn't having it. I could understand if she had actual hardcore proof that I was cheating on her, but all she had were assumptions and they weren't even true. I mean, okay, at first I did have a crush on Jisoo but it's been so long, plus I never acted on it, nor did I plan to, because I know I love Lisa.

"I warned you to be careful with Jisoo because Lisa might get jealous, but don't worry. Everything will be fine. Next time you see her, just run up to her and make her talk to you. She can't shun you in public or anything like that. I know you want her to cave in, but maybe it's best if you just cave in."

"Cave in? I've been texting her and calling her this whole time and she rushes out of class before I can even say anything to her! It's not like I'm running away from her like she's running away from me", I nearly yelled. I got a couple of shushes from the people around us. I sighed and closed my textbook. I hated when my friends brought her up because it just made things worse. I could feel the lump rising in my throat. "I'm going to go back to my dorm. I'm not in the mood to study."

"Fine. I'm not going to let you walk back in the dark alone. I'll drive," Chae said as she began gathering her things.

"No. I just really need to be alone. I'll text you when I get back in safely. I promise." Chae gave me a skeptical look but she let me go. I shoved my textbook into my book bag before throwing the bag over my back.

I walked out of the library with my earbuds in and my music playing loudly. Stuffing my hands into the pockets of my hoodie, I looked around to see how many people were out on campus tonight. It was nearing 10 PM and walking alone at this time of night wasn't necessarily safe but I just felt like being alone. The campus was nearly bear, but there were a couple groups of friends walking together. I kept walking and decided to just keep track of my surroundings. I looked behind me several times to make sure no one was following me and kept my eyes peeled for any suspicious activity.


When I made it into my dorm and got on the elevator, I shot a text to Chae to let her know that I was safe. Stepping off the elevator, I nearly got a soccer ball kicked right at my face. I don't know why people loved to do the dumbest shit in dorm hallways. I walked to my dorm door and surprisingly it was unlocked. Wendy must've forgot to lock it behind her or something. I walked in and looked towards her bed to see her laying there with her earphones in on her laptop. She didn't even notice me walk in. I locked the door behind me and began to walk towards my bed but stopped in my tracks. Someone was sitting on it.

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