'Oh my God! Is aunty alright?' Elham asked aghast.

It is very late in night there in India but I couldn't stop myself from calling Elham, whenever I am disturbed I find solace in sharing with Elham, in her strange crooked ways she always managed to cheer me up.

'Come for the videocall' I say, I wanted to see her.

She agrees and five minutes later we are on video call. Her room is dimly lit with only her dim nightlamp illuminating the room. I see her sleepy face, her wavy long hair loose and resting on her shoulders with strands of hair falling across her forehead. She makes faces as she keeps tugging them behind her ears. I chuckle, she is so cute, my bff- Elham.

I then go on to say everything that happened and how guilty I am feeling, it's because of my negligence that this happened with Mamma.

'Fatto, there is one solution...why don't you guys come here to India for some time...like few weeks...' Elham suggested.

I ponder over her idea for few minutes. This is a very good idea, if Mamma goes to India she will much better being surrounded by all relatives and friends. Also, our apartment has been rented for last fifteen years and so we must stay with Elham's. Mamma will love being in company with Saima Khala, they too are close friends.

I am in the kitchen washing the dishes when I hear Mamma's footsteps, I left the cooker I was washing and hurried towards Mamma's room- still with soapy hands. Mamma sees me and is stunned. She takes a minute to understand what I was up to. She then starts to laugh. I smile looking at her.

'Now, there is one thing left to do...I guess you should get married' Mamma says, I made her sit at the small round table in the kitchen. I stand by the sink washing the Cooker. I smile as I know I have found a girl, someone understanding and caring and totally amazing- Racheal.

'I will speak to Saima, it's been one week since I last spoke with her.' Mamma says as she munches on butter biscuits I gave her.

I nod as I am done with the cooker and now turn my attention to the coffee mugs. Susan is our maid, but she has taken one week break. I made a mental note to call her and ask her to come as Mamma isn't well. Maids no matter Indian or elsewhere are always the same when it comes to taking holidays and running off.

Mamma sighs 'Saima is really worried for Elham. She is thirty-one and yet not ready for marriage. People have begun to talk.' She goes on

I nod in agreement. I too have teased Elham about this, of course not seriously but we both know how serious this matter is. In India for the girl to be thirty-one and still unmarried is considered strange and shameful for the parents. Elham says her parents are forcing her to marry and the people around her already have started to talk.

''Why isn't she married yet? Does she have any flaws? She has an affair? Her family is well-off then why isn't she getting married? Her biological clock is ticking. If she doesn't marry now, then she will get alliance from only older men."

These are the few statements that Elham narrates to me. I sympathize with her. But to think about it, it's really strange. I being a thirty-one-year-old unmarried man isn't questioned or pressurized much, I guess it's the hypocrisy of the society.

At the same time, I admire Elham, no matter what she hasn't caved to the pressures of the society, instead she has chosen her career over Marriage. And this makes me feel prouder of her.

'Beta, I and Saima also joked...won't it be really good if we had you and Elham married' Mamma says and giggles.

I freeze washing the mug. I and Elham married, like the real marriage and become husband wife. That will be super awkward. I hope what Mamma and Saima Khala have joked about remains a joke. I shudder thinking of Elham as my wife; when comparing her temper and personality with mine, I don't stand a chance- she will eat me alive.

MARRIED TO MY BEST FRIEND (COMPLETED)✔Where stories live. Discover now