Chapter Seven.

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Disclaimer; I do not own Xmen First Class.

Chapter Seven

XavierMansion, America 1962

Amelia and Erik entered the lounge one after each other, their faces just showed the whole group that they weren’t happy about being told about the group meeting. Sean elbows Alex and wiggles his eyebrows to show ‘foul play’. Amelia caught this action, and as she passed Sean to take a seat on the sofa next to Raven she smacked the back of his head. Sean rubbed his head in pain, nursing it lightly.

Charles shakes his head at the childish behaviour and looks back at Moira, who Amelia had finally found out the name about. He watched Moira, who was looking around slightly nervous at the mutants as she still wasn’t used to being around more ‘developed’ people, he smiled as he read her thoughts. Moira, somehow, always made him happy and feel alive in side. It was the feeling both Amelia and Erik had around each other, but if they couldn’t identify that feeling could he?

Once everyone was seated and looking at Hank and Charles, who were still standing in the centre of the room. Hank was looking at his feet nervously, he was still shy as anything bless, and Charles was smiling, Amelia knew that look as he was reading the mind of someone in the room. She wasn’t too worried about him reading her mind as there was no way to stop him reading it, and what’s the point with finding with you own kind?

Charles clapped his hands together, which caught everyone’s attention. “Well, everyone Hank and I have been talking about your training to suit your mutation needs. Sean, I will be training with you in about twenty minutes as Hank has come up with a brilliant idea. Amelia your training is tonight, but don’t worry its only testing your future seeing. Everyone else your training will begin tomorrow.” He looked around the group and smiled.

Alex raised his hand. Charles saw this and nodded at him to continue. “What will we be doing whilst we’re not training with you?”

Charles smiles, again. Does this man every stop smiling? Amelia thinks to herself. “Excellent question Alex, and in the time your not training with me you’ll be in the gym or studying.”

Amelia raises her hand. “What if, you’re an adult woman? Do I have to study, ‘cause I’ve lived through enough history already.”   

Everyone chuckles at this and Charles shook his head at the woman, it was so easy for him to forget that Amelia was older then most people’s ages in the room combined just about. She still looked in her late twenties even though she is seventy-seven. “No, Mia you don’t need to study history you’ve already lived.”

Amelia smiles. “Thank god! Try telling that to your university professor whilst drunk. Let’s say, I’m not aloud to do the history course in Harvard until my old professor has left…”

They all bust out into another fit of laughter; Amelia doubles over in laughter remembering that time when she had told her professor that with other things. Like how he was a horrible teacher and he should stop trying to dress ‘hip’ as it fails each and every time. Amelia lets out one last laugh and sits upright she catches Erik’s eye, Erik smiles at her which she returns and winks. He looks away from he quickly not wanting the others to realise what’s happening between the two, but he just couldn’t keep the smile off his face which was creeping on. Charles smiles whilst hearing the thoughts of Erik and Amelia, those two had to be together he thought to himself.

Once everyone had stopped chuckling and laughing Charles clapped his hands onto Sean’s shoulders and dragged him out of the lounge and towards Hank’s lab, which Charles had kindly set up in one of the spare room. The rest who were left in the room sat in an awkward silence. Amelia looks around the room looking for something to do, Alex and Erik sat on opposite sofa’s staring at each other. Erik was lounging with one of his legs on the other, and then Alex was sitting with his elbows on his knees and his head against his hands.

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