Chapter Six.

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Disclaimer; I do not own Xmen First Class.

Chapter six

XavierMansion, America 1962

The very next day Amelia and Erik both jumped out of their beds with smiles on their faces, knowing about the training sessions they had today. Amelia giggled at her teenage-girl ways, for gods sake she’s seventy-seven but when she got a crush she got a true and faithful schoolgirl crush. Erik as soon as had smiled wiped it off his face, he was always known as the strong man who never showed anyone his emotions… well until now. Since Amelia, or Ariolus, had come into his life it hadn’t seemed so washed out and colourless. She had gone through the same thing as him, he wasn’t alone anymore.

Charles rubbed his temples as he arose from his bed, normally he was used to just hearing the low buzz of Ravens thoughts in the morning, when the brain is surprisingly active due to thinking about what you had to do today, but even after a week or so with other people wandering around in his life he still couldn’t get used to the multiple buzz’s around the house. It scared him ever so slightly; he could tell what everyone was thinking so no girl would ever want to stay with him knowing about his mutation without being worried about him reading their minds. He sighed and got out of bed, wondering what the new day would bring and the training session between Amelia and Erik would bring as well.

Sean and Alex were downstairs in the kitchen, trying to find something to eat which they didn’t have to cook. Seeing as Alex was in prison for a number of years and Sean was a typical teenage boy, all they could make was just about toast. But that doesn’t mean they didn’t burn it to a crisp. In the end the boys settled with fruit, as they knew Charles would moan if they had anything unhealthy for breakfast and they couldn’t find the fact they were lying about it due to him reading their minds.

“So, how about Amelia and Erik?” Alex questions Sean as he bites into his apple.

Sean shrugs and picks at the white bits of his orange. “I dunno, metal-head and immortal-future seer it’s new.”

Alex nods in agreement and opens his mouth to continue the point, but is stopped by a tired looking Raven entering the room and joining them on the table. Alex shuts his mouth and continues to eat his apple. Raven raises an eyebrow.

“What were you talking about?” She questions with a small smile playing on her face, turning her cheeks upwards.

Sean looks at Alex as if he was asking if it was okay to tell Raven, Alex nods. “Well, we’re talking about the whole metal-head and immortal-future seer romance going on right under our noses.”

Raven nods and grins at the two boys. The boys look a little taken back by this but they both have small smiles on their faces. “I personally believe that they seem groovy together. Isn’t that right Charles, Hank?” She asks.

Alex and Sean turn their heads to see Hank and Charles enter the kitchen dressed out in their grey tracksuits. Hank looks surprised at Raven about how she had realised that they had just entered the room, but Charles as he was used to Raven’s traits nods along with her question.

“It would seem that Erik’s and Amelia’s relationship would be doomed normally taking their traits. But inside they’re very alike. Both in mutation and past.” Charles says in his English accented voice.

Sean looks at the professor confused. “I understand how they’re alike in past, but how in mutation?”

Charles opens his arm out to Hank. “Hank shall continue.”

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