Chapter One.

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Disclaimer; I do not own Xmen, sadly :L

Chapter One.

Las Vegas, America 1962.

Erik Lensherr and Charles Xavier entered a heavily populated bar in the bright light city of Las Vegas. Charles reached the minds of the people in the bar trying to find the highly powerful mutant which they were trying to recruit for the new mutant section in the CIA. Erik frowned at his new found friend who was looking around the room with his index and middle finger against his temple.

A brunette woman passed the boys table, looking slightly confused by Charles actions. Erik sends a warning glare in her direction as if to tell her not to ask or question what he was doing. The woman just shakes her head and places the two men’s drinks on the table, her black short dress with white stripes along the bottom lightly swaying with her body as she cuts her way back through the bar. Erik stares at the woman, watching her hips sway as she moves. Charles is currently still trying to search for the mutant in the bar.

The brunette woman quickly reaches the bar once again just to be called out by her friend. “Amelia! Come help behind the bar, I need a break!”

Amelia nods and smiles at her friend. Swinging her legs over the bar and pushing herself back into the floor so she is now behind the bar. She pats her friend on the back signalling to her it was okay to go on her break now. Her friend smiles and kisses her friend on the cheek before running out of the bar and into the back room. Amelia turns around to the punters of the evening and starts to serve out drinks for them.

Erik takes a long deep gulp of his drink, still staring at the woman at the bar. Seeing how she had just leapt over the bar to take over a friends shift, then just to complete it she is now working on full speed handing out drinks to the guests. Erik feels a tap on his arm, he turns to see Charles had stopped trying to read people’s minds to find the mutant meaning he had found the person they had came for.

“Who?” Erik asks quickly and sharply to his friend.

“Well it seems to be the girl you have been staring at for the last five minutes whilst I have been trying to get your attention.” Charles smiles at his friend.

Erik shakes his head at Charles. “I was not staring, just observing.”

Charles nods, and downs his drink which Amelia had given him. “Well, if that floats your boat.”

Erik rolls his eyes at his friend. He picks up his jacket from the stool next to him and begins to walk over to the woman. The woman is still setting out drinks to the rowdy customers as quickly as possible. Charles smirks at his friend who is front of him quickly walking towards the bar, even without looking into Erik’s mind he could tell he liked the woman for one reason or another.

Amelia smiles at a young man who’d she had just served just to be faced with the two men who she had served earlier, the man who’s fingers were at his temples was gently smiling at her she returns the smile, the other man who had told her to just leave was looking at her as if he was calculating her every move.

“Hello, what can I get you?” Amelia asks in a politely spoken voice, which carried her English accent off perfectly.

“Two whiskeys, please Miss. Reed.” The small blue eyed man replied.

Amelia smiled, knowing that the man speaking now was telepathic and that’s how he knew her name. She shook her head and turned back to the bar to start making the drinks. Whilst her back was turned she made the drinks and listened into the conversation of the two men.

“Why isn’t she like the others?” The lightly accented German man said to his friend.

Charles chuckled. “Maybe because she knows of her mutant powers and of others.”

Amelia smirked, turned and placed the two men’s drinks on the bar. She leaned forwards so her chin rested on her fist and watched them, the English man smiled at the woman and slipped his drink whilst the other just stared at her.

She laughed at the German. “What’s wrong?”

The German shook his head. “Nothing. But normally you’d be flipping out by now.”

“Well, I’m not really normal per say.” Amelia giggled before looking at Charles again. “So who are you guys, your mutants but why are you here to see me?”

Charles smiles to an even greater extent. “Well, I am Charles Xavier and he is Erik Lensherr and we’re here to talk about you joining a group of mutants which we are putting together to find a man named Shaw.”

Amelia’s eyes widened when she heard the name Shaw. He had done nothing but bad things to her in the Nazi camps in the Second World War; it was even worst then that night when she found out about her powers. She scratched her arm where the tattoo was placed on her skin, looking into space. Erik sees this and when he looks at the woman’s arm he sees the tattoo. I wasn’t the only one then… he thinks to himself. Amelia once out of her dream she slowly nods.

“I’ll help you. Anything to kill that bastard.” She says in a monotone voice, but as she does so she spits out Shaw’s name.

Charles breaks out into a smile and claps his hands together. “Brilliant, we’ll leave in the morning.”

“Yes… brilliant.” Erik mumbles, finally taking his drink and drinking it. Amelia watches the man named Erik drink the whiskey seeing for herself the tattoo very much like her own on his arm. So she wasn’t alone in the world after all.


As Charles had promised they set out the very next morning to the base of their operations with the CIA. During the drive Amelia felt nervous to say the least, the last mutants she had spoken were James Logan and Victor Creed who’d she hadn’t seen for at least forty years when she left to sail to Germany.

Erik watched the new girl multiple times during the car ride back to the HQ which they were staying at, seeing that she didn’t like being in real life for long but enjoyed staring out of the window and day dreaming. The woman was curious to say the least, as only Charles knew of her history and powers due to him reading her mind which for sum reason she was perfectly fine with. Which was odd as not many people liked Charles reading their minds with or without there consent.

Charles chuckled to himself during the whole car journey to the HQ as it was funny to listen to Amelia’s thoughts as they were so child-like but so wise at the same time. Such as he knew of her past in the camps and of when she was first killed in the First World War, but even though she has been set through all these horrible events she still looked on the brighter side of life no matter what. The way how Erik acted around her was curious as he never seemed to watch anyone so animal like since he had met him, even when they had gone into the strip bar to get Angel he never stared at the women around him for long. But this woman was different for Erik and this made him act differently.

Amelia had caught both Charles and Erik staring at her during the ride back to the HQ of where they were staying. Why were they staring at her? It was slightly odd, or was she just being silly? But from her past she had learnt never to trust someone as they would break your heart or end up killing you, or on a special occasion it’ll be both.

What an enjoyable life it is…

A/N; Drop off a comment or vote :) Btw next chapter Amelia goes to the CIA base and meets the others :)

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