Chapter Five.

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Disclaimer; I do not own Xmen First Class.

Chapter five

XavierMansion, America 1962

The group of mutants stared at the massive mansion, which was XavierMansion. Amelia stood next to Erik and had to grab his arm as she was in such shock, it didn’t look like those typical mansions but it looked like a stately home back in England where Amelia grew up. Erik looked down as he felt someone grip his arm, he as well was staring at the mansion in shock but of course he didn’t show it. When he saw Amelia gripping his arm in shock he smiled to himself, he knew that she could have grabbed Sean’s or Raven’s arms easily but she had chosen to grab his. It made his ice cold heart melt that tiny bit. 

Charles smiled lightly at the shocked friends of his, it felt good to him to be able to call them friends as you see he didn’t have many real friends when he was younger. Well he did have many lady friends, but not any friends you’d call real. He had to stop himself from chuckling from the looks on the faces of his friends; he noticed in the corner of his eye that Amelia had grabbed hold of Erik’s arm. Even though he’d only known Erik for a short period, he knew that if anyone except Amelia had gripped his arm he would’ve shrugged it off by now. He didn’t need to be a telepath to know that, even if they didn’t know it themselves by now, that they liked each other more then friends.

“This is yours?” Asks a shocked Sean, who had pulled his glasses down to be able to stare at the mansion a little better.

Charles shook his head. “No, it’s ours.”

Erik smiled lightly, looking down at Amelia then looking back up at Charles. “Honestly, Charles. I don’t know how you survived, living in such hardship.”

Amelia let out a short chuckle, just enough to be able to make everyone look at her with smirking and smiling faces. Raven shook her head at her new mother figure and walked up to Charles and took his arm. “Well, it was a hardship softened by me.”  Charles hugged her and kissed her cheek in a brotherly way. “Come on. Time for the tour.”

Amelia rolled her eyes and said softly so only Erik could hear what she said. “How bloody long is that going to take?” Erik’s cheeks rose up for a small smile, Amelia broke out into a smile as well happy that she was finally getting the cold icy Erik Lensherr to smile.

After the never ending tour around the stately home which the mutants were to live in till further notice, they all retired to the living room which looked like a typical stately home living room would look like. Dusty old sofas, rows and rows of unread books and the horrid rug some ancient Xavier had brought. Amelia sighed and dumped herself onto the nearest sofa she could find, and as she was still gripping Erik’s arm he was dragged down next to her on the sofa.

“My legs are about to drop off, old chap.” Amelia moaned rubbing her legs and glaring at Charles, who decide to show them the gardens causing the tour to be an hour extra long.

Charles rolled his eyes and took the sofa opposite Amelia and Erik. “Don’t be so glum Mia. We all know you loved the peacocks.” Charles said with a smirk.

Amelia rolled her eyes as the rest of the group began to chuckle. You see Amelia’s legs didn’t just acne because of the extra time added to the tour, but the fact of one of Charles family’s prized peacocks chose the need to not like her and chase her around the gardens. She would’ve just kicked the beastly thing out of the way, but as she thought this Charles shouted out to her not to. Therefore she was chased around the garden by a peacock for half and hour as the others just watched and laughed, except Erik of course as he had went to the bathroom but when he’d come back Alex and Sean had updated him on the whole happening.

Existing Ariolus. (X-Men: First Class) COMPLETED!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang