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" everything I said, I swear I meant it "

" I can't give you what you need "

" you know that I'm sorry "

- Honest by Shawn Mendes

Tears slid down her paling skin.
The tears leaving a track like rain on a window.
She didn't want comfort.
She didn't want Franklin or Wendell to be there for her.
She wanted him back and only him.

No one mattered at this moment.
Not her parents who were pleading her to come down for dinner.
Not her friends who sent a text every 5 minutes, trying to make sure she's okay.

All that mattered was the fact that he no longer was in her life.
He left her.

He apologized many, many, many times but she couldn't bare seeing his face.

He told her he was being honest.
That he meant every ' I love you ' and he meant every ' I'll be there for you, always ' but he couldn't promise her anything.

He'd say how she deserved so much more than what he could give.

He told her it wasn't her fault.
He said ' I hate to hurt you, but I'm trying to be honest '

She didn't understand how it couldn't be her fault.

She saw how loving he was toward her.

Every kiss they shared had a spark to it like they were meant for this.

He swore there wasn't any other girl.

She wouldn't believe him.

He told her how much she meant to him.


That's what she would say.

He would apologize after every argument even if it wasn't his fault.

Every tear she shed, brought back memories from long ago.

From their first date to their last visit to the beach.

From their first trip to New York to her first Shawn Mendes concert.

He would always say he didn't want to see her cry, which only brought more tears to her eyes.

His feelings were all honest and sincere no lies in between. Just another kid in love.

She'd always complain to her other friends on how maybe he didn't believe in her.

How she was just a fool who had fallen for him.

Of course she didn't know that until he asked her to meet her on the same street he had asked her out.

He had kissed her soft, pink lips one last time before leaving her to dwell in her thoughts.

Thoughts that could break every person's heart.
Thoughts that could hurt inside and out.
Thoughts that could cause many cuts.

Thoughts that could kill.
Thoughts that would kill.

She didn't show up at school for over a week, worrying each of her closest friends, especially him.

It had been days before she actually realized that he had been in love with her.

But all his feelings were just him being honest.

She wiped her tears and decided she could make him realize she only wanted him.

Him forever and always.



I'm actually very proud of this one shot, except the shitty ending.

Should I do more like these?

What was your favorite part?

Next one shot- She's Not Me

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