Chapter - 10

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So English class had gone by quite well except for the fact that Sean didn't look at me. And I missed his smirk pretty bad. The rest of the classes as usual I didn't pay any attention. So when it come to the break, Sean saw me and raised his eyebrow and asked me to come. So I went along with him to an empty hallway. Where literally nobody had been there. Of course being me this was quite new because i was always surrounded by many and maybe just maybe he was not much used to the crowd like I was. And I know that shine everywhere I go.

I look pretty all day and everyday I don't know a girl who doesn't admire me or look up to me. Of course there are problems in it as I have to always keep up that style of mine and have to keep up with the latest trends aah who cares. And anyway back to Sean. He put his arms on my right side. And winked at me and he had this amazing, unforgettable strawberry mint breath....

Sean: Hey!
Ashley: Hi
Sean: You pretty much might be wondering why i brought you to this corridor although I know that your not used to this.
Ashley: Haha ok pretty boy whatever you have got to say better be fast I am running out of time.
Sean: Relax..

As soon as he said this he wrapped his arm around my waist quite tightly and yet very gentle and pulled me closer as we kissed..
Wow his lips were just as dreamy as I thought it would be but then I broke it quite fast..

Sean: Do you maybe want to be more than just friends??
Ashley: Yea sure, we can be best friends.
Sean: Haha then fine we can be best friends, I just thought a bit more than that..

'Oh shit! Why did you say that' thoughts like this kept buzzing in my head. And more foolishly I replied..

Ashley :Ooh ok you pretty boy. You can capture my attention to be something more than friends. So you do need to impress me. And Imma warn you, I am not an easy catch.
Sean: Ohh we'll see about that betcha gonna be into me soon..

He winked and smirked at me and left..

Just then I see the sight of a person I wish I had never seen. My ex.... Jake... Jake Evans well he is hot the hottest guy in school but a jerkpid. He smirked at me with a real ahole, evil smile as he was passing by. He was a big jerk and a stupid.. That is why i left him.

Even when every girl would just die to be even noticed by him I had him fully in my control..

He was the captain od the basketball team. He had amazing flexes and well toned arms and he had those really amazing veins on his hand.. oooh!!! And a super cute smile.

I didn't really love him so much but yea I was popular and duh! I had to date one popular.. But simce the breakup he and me barely spoke. He used to give me spiking glares but aah who cares.?! Anyhow now i declare i hated dating that jerk anyway. He was a lameo and he wasn't even fit for me. I mean like who voted for him to be popular other than the fact that he is the most cutest but so what? He is a total jerk. Okay okay I have to calm down..

So where was I yea anyhow he left and I stood there my back against the cold wall replaying a hundred times about what happened with me and Sean and I felt I was blushing..

So even before i could reach the cafeteria the bell rang.. Arghh back to class. Except this one is the worst, MATHS!! I don't get it. I sit there like watching a Chinese movie with NO subtitles. So many formulas and blah blah blah..

Anyway as school is always boring except for the time Sean looks at me yeah I am gonna skip that part..

So now I go back home in my car. Chloe and Nicole got rides from their boyfriends Randel hunters and Smith riders. I know both their last names are actually quite funny in this case when you say them together aah. But what do they got. I mean for other than Randel's blonde and shiny, smooth glamorous hair and Smith's pink sweet lips and deep brown eyes..
Yea they are cute but not as much as Sean though so they are not much...

A Mean Girl's Broken Heart {Wattys2017}Where stories live. Discover now