CH. 3

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14 year old Hayes p.o.v

We were in the middle of the biggest fight ever. I dug my feet into the ground and stood tall, before charging forward to attack.

I had my hands tightly gripped on the waist of my opponent and tackled them to the ground.

I started tickling her hips and listened to her beautiful laughter.

"Ha-Ha-Hayes Please! No mo-more," Elisa yelled out to me.

I laughed along with her, but did not end my torturous tickles.

After a minute I finally stopped before she ended up peeing...that would've been embarrassing.

I get up, hold my hand out to her and pull her up, making sure she isn't dirty from the ground.

Even if she was, she'd still be the most pure and beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

"Do you wanna come in the pack- er mansion to get some food? I'm sure my uncle wouldn't mind grilling us up a burger or two!" I ask Elisa, really hoping she'd stay. But I doubt she will... her parents are strict with curfew.

I know her parents...they remind me of my own... violent, abusive, and certainly not loving.

I've always told her she's always welcome with us here at the pack house. That I will protect her.

She refuses every time. Telling me, it's not that bad.

I recall a time when she was knocking on the front door at 2:38 am a month back, tears filling her eyes, as she ran into my embrace crying. Begging me to protect her.

I have vowed to her that I will never let anything happen to her.

She won't let me keep that promise... she won't let me protect her from the two people who should love her unconditionally.

But I also vowed to her something else...that I will be the one who loves her. Unconditionally.

She snaps me back into reality, with her beautiful eyes looking into mine.

"Hayes?" She asks. I swear her voice is truly harmonious.

I look at her, raising my brows. Silently telling her that I am listening.

"I said that I would love to stay...but only for a little while. My parents want me home at 9pm sharp."

I nod my head in response.

I can't seem to speak when I'm with her. She makes me feel so speechless.

She laughs and takes my hand, instantly sending these weird tingles throughout my body, and drags me inside.

She loves the pack house.

We laugh at an inside joke we made together and enter the kitchen where Lucius is eating a sandwich.

He looks at us and gives a small smile.

"Elisa, glad to have you here again. You guys hungry?" Lucius asks.

I chuckle and respond, "Hey Uncle Lucius! Can you grill us some hamburgers please?"

He looks at me, knowing his cover is well In fact being my uncle.

"No problem. Go on upstairs and I'll holler when they're done." He responds before getting to work.

Lucius trusts no one in his kitchen just yet. He loves to cook...

I grab Elisa's hand and we head up to my room. A place where we spend most of our time laughing and telling corny jokes.

We sit on my bed and she plays with my hair. Something she always seems to relax her as well as myself. It's weird, I don't really let anyone touch my hair. She's the one exception.

"Hayes I have a secret to tell you..." Elisa says immediately spiking my interest.

"What is it El?"

"You can't laugh at me okay?" She asks shyly.

Gosh she's truly perfection.

I laugh, but nod my head, "Of course I won't laugh at you. Whatever it is you can tell me." I reassure her.

She sighs before turning to face me fully before looking into my eyes.

"Hayes I have a crush on you." She says before throwing herself into my pillow hiding her face.

I look at her with my eyes wide open before I give out a wolffish grin.

I couldn't believe it, she actually likes me back?

I try to form words but nothing seems to be coming out.

Instead I pull her up to look at me, she looks at me with a confused look in her eyes. "Hayes what are you-" I interrupt her by kissing her. It wasn't a lustful kiss... it was just a kiss to show her I feel the same way.

We pull apart both smiling, although she has a blush on her cute freckled cheeks.

"I know it's a little too late to ask, but will you be my girlfriend Elisa?"

Her smile widens before she nods her head pulling me in for a hug.

~ time skip~

We finish eating and Elisa looks at her watch before jumping up from the chair in the dining room and screams.

"HAYES IT'S 9:30!" She grabs her jacket and runs for the door, I instantly stand in front of it, shielding her from it.

"No. Please don't go. They will hurt you Elisa...I can't let them hurt you again. I feel it. I feel the hurt they inflict on you. It hurts me physically, it hurts my heart. Please don't go back." I beg, feeling a stray tear fall from my eyes.

She looks at me, scared, sad, and conflicted.

"Hayes I have to go...they will hurt me. You know how they are."

"Let me tell you a secret, the reason I'm with my uncle is because my parents treated me like yours are treating you. Only I was a kid. It all started when I was 6. Lucius saved me from them when I was 9. It was endless torture. I had days where I never thought I'd live through it. I still have those scars. I still have those memories. I'm trying to save you from those horrible things. Please Elisa. Just stay. My uncle and his workers won't let anything happen to you. I won't let anything hurt you." As I finished my rant we were both in tears. Only she was bawling.

She slid down onto the floor and sobbed. I crouched down in front of her and held her as she cried. I know how she feels. I know her pain. I know her suffering.

She doesn't deserve it. She's an angel. She's too pure for this world.

Finally after what seemed to be forever, she stopped, looked at her watch and saw it was currently 10:04 pm. She sighs and clings to me tightly.

"Please don't let them hurt me Hayes."

"I won't. Tomorrow me, you, and Lucius will go get your things from them. And you'll live here with"  I promised her.

"You're my hero Hayes." Elisa spoke up.

After that we went to bed. We both shared mine seeing as how it was a queen size. It was the best sleep I've gotten since I could ever remember.

Hayes Where stories live. Discover now