“What if I do?!”

“Then it’s over!”

“Fine, I’d rather die than spend another minute with you!” She slapped his across the face.

He rushed out, slamming the back door. She fell to the floor, crying her eyes out. Before I could even walk over, she stood up. I hid behind the front door. She walked into her kitchen and poured herself a tall glass of wine. She was too young to be drinking, but I don’t think anyone could stop her. She was about to take a sip when it was slapped out of her hand.

“Don’t drink that, it will kill you.” Jack said leaning on the wall.

“Thanks for the memo, I’d rather be dead.” She hissed.

“No you wouldn’t.” He stepped in front of her.

She didn’t step back, or move. There was glass on the floor, and the house smelled like cheap wine. The tile was wet and Faith looked like shit from lack of sleep. But he didn’t care. He never cared. All he wanted was Faith, but she didn’t want him, or so that’s what she wanted him to think. He roughly grabbed her. She “struggled” to get away, but he was to strong.

“Kiss me.” He touched her cheek.

“No.” She hissed at him.

“Kiss me god damn it.” He hissed back.

This was the first time I had ever seen him being rough with her. I was stunned. He seemed so sweet with her when I was around. Maybe it was just an act.

“No. I don’t want to.” She stepped away but he only pulled her closer.

“I don’t really care Faith. Kiss me. Now.” He shook her slightly.

“No!” She grabbed his hoodie with both hands.

“Just do it.” He whined.

“NO!” She yelled.

She wasn’t very good at not kissing him after saying no though. She pulled him to her, roughly kissing him on the lips. I could see his smirk as he kissed back. I couldn’t understand them. Their got out of my sight in seconds and I ran off.


“Do you want me to come with you?” Jeff asked, ripping me from my train of thought.

“No. I’ll be fine thanks.” I said, whipping a tear and pulling out a bag of prepackages clothes.

“What do you need the clothes for?” Jeff asked.

“Just in case I stay the night.” I said and kissed his cheek.

“Bye, Jeff.”    And it hurt.


“Krista, what are you doing here? Oh god what’s wrong?” Faith took me into her embrace, and the tries feel down my face like a river.

“O-oh god, F-Faith.” I stuttered, my breathing shaky from crying.

“Krista, what’s wrong, are you hurt?” She pulled me to the couch, and I put my head in my hands.

I shook my head, and Faith sighed. She pulled me to her side, and rubbed my back. That’s why I liked Faith. She didn’t push for things. She know I would tell her when I wanted to. She wouldn’t push or ask about it again unless she thought she really needed to. She was good about stuff like that. She’s my best friend.

“Do you want to talk about it?” She asked, and I nodded.

I pulled away from her and whipped my eyes. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my breathing. After two or three more deep breathes I could speak.

“A month ago, Jeff, Jack and I went to find you. We found you of course in the hotel, and will you and Jack were talking Jeff and I got to talking. Then kissing. And then a little more than kissing.  We did something wrong. He… He didn’t wear anything and now… I-I’m-“

I couldn’t finish and I didn’t really need to. I was sobbing again.

“Does he know?” She asked and I shook my head.

“That’s why I came to you. I need to get out of here before he finds out.” I stated and she nodded.

She stood up and handed me the keys to her car.

“Take them, I’ll see you around. I love you lots. Keep me updated.” She hugged me close and I let my feet carry me out the door.

I was gone. So gone. So fucking gone.


HOLY SHIT!!! Another run away I see. Krista pregnant. Man her life is fucked up. Who ever thought? Innocent little Krista having a baby girl/boy. So the baby right. It’s not going anywhere anytime soon, so why don’t you guys vote

For Boy, comment BOY and maybe a name you would like

For Girl, comment GIRL and maybe a name you think would fit

Whichever has more votes is the baby gender. I’ll also see if there is a girl/boy name that was mentioned once or twice. I’m trying to come up with name. SO PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE FOR BABY!!               If you don’t vote you don’t give a fuck and you wouldn’t rape Jack and Jeff in the woods if you saw them.  Make sure to…

Comment (Gender/Names.)



And Love Keff and Jaith <3

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