Chapter 24: Everlasting Hope

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"Sakura, we have to run." Sasuke yelled over his fan girl's voices. Today was just pissing him off, being chased by fan girls were a part of the reason why he hated going to the mall so much.

"Run you guys!" Ino shouted as they came nearer. Some girls tripped and got trampled by the others. Sasuke grabbed Sakura's hand and starting pulling her away as fast as he can.

"STOP! HOLD YOU CORPSES!" somebody yelled over the cone-shaped speaker.

"Um....pardon me sir, but its hold you horses not corpses." Another person whisperedin the speaker's ears.

"Oh, well HOLD YOUR HORSES!" boomed the voice again.

Everyone stopped in their tracks and looked up at the person who was standing by the fountain wall. He was a tall person with white cropped hair. There were wrinkles on his faces but nevertheless he seems as lively as a ten year old.

"My name is Kanda Luda, I am the host of thiscontest event. While I'm here I expect no inhumanly behavior! Any person who dares to call or create a stampede again, will be cast out of the mall before they can say whatever they want to say!" Kanda shouted.

Every girl quieted down and then sulkily returned to their places.

"Are you guys alright?" Kanda asked as he hopped down of the fountain wall and walked towards Sasuke and Sakura.

"Yeah." Sasuke managed to say out loud. He couldn't believe it; he actually stopped his fan girls! This guy was his hero! If he even believe in heroes that is....

Kanda left them, and they waited in line again. But this time there seems to be more people joining and oddly it seems to be all the fan girls. So now instead of70 or so people joining, there were hundreds!

After they signed their name up, they waited until the time has come as Kanda stepped forth again with his giant speaker.

"Now that everyone has signed up are their anymore people who wants to join at the last minute? No? Ok. Thanks to all that have entered and the children will be grateful for your gracious deeds, more people than we have hoped for had signed up and we want to thank you greatly. Let's cut to the chase shall we? Please listen carefully for I will only explain once." He instructed and waited for all of the contestants to quiet down.

"Now, there will be groups of two like you already know and each group should have already received an envelope and a digital camera from the staff. When I blow my whistle you can open the envelope and inside you will find a quest of some kind that you all need to fulfill. There will be instructions on the paper and everyone receive the same quests but in different order. There will be 4 quests in total and 1 riddle for you to solve in the end. Please follow the instructions carefully. Oh, and if you plan on stealing the digital camera, be warned. We can track you down as fast as lightning. Cell phones are not permitted during the contest because there is a special machine installed in the mall that cuts off all the phone signals in the mall and 1 mile radius around it." Kanda said threatening.

Everyone sweat dropped, Kanda sure likes using weird similes and idioms. They got ready to tear their envelope apart as Kanda held up his whistle.


Sounds of tearing paper erupted in the mall, and each group quickly scanned the paper in their hands.

-Sasuke and Sakura-

For your quest you need to look at the pictures and identify the place and object. Once you have identified it, go to that place and take a picture of it exactly the way the picture is shown. After you have taken your pictures go to the 5th floor and there, you will find a person wearing a red uniform waiting for you. He/She will judge your pictures and if it's acceptable than he/she will give you an envelope for your next quest. Good luck!

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