Chapter 21

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------------------------ breaking point----------------------------

Ivey sits on her knees silently watching as Harvey slowly disappears into the trees. For the first time in a long time she felt alone, lost and afraid. Not the type of fear they usually felt with danger but fear of having nothing in the world, like she no longer had a purpose. She was alone for so long until she finally got rescued by Harvey, then she met her clumsy and dorky sidekick and she no longer felt alone or lost. Ivey stares at the dirt and gravel surrounding her before scraping her fingers through it grabbing a fist full and gently letting it rain back to the ground. She reaches into her back pocket and pulls out Harvey's Polaroid from inside. She turns it over and stares at it closely running her finger over the young smiling Harvey. The only time she felt safe, or needed was looking at his face. She sniffles a little tilting her eyebrows upwards. Looking back up at the trees flowing gently in the breeze she holds the photo up to her heart in deep thought.
He saved her at that house when he didn't know her, I mean he should of left her when he had the chance but he didn't. Then he saved her when they were running from those horrid men back in the city by hiding her with him instead of hogging the clearly small car boot. In addition to this he risked his life jumping into that freezing river to save her before throwing himself off that waterfall making sure she was going to be okay, judging by his bruised back he made sure he hit the water instead of her. And even when he killed Michael because he planned to keep her for himself , or when they ran into those cannibals that Harvey had previously ran from and he took out all three of them on his own because he saw she was scared. So many times he could of just walked away or given up but he didn't. 

His calming eyes that she swore had endless galaxies inside them, his scruffy brown hair that was so soft she couldn't keep her hands off them, the way he held her as they danced at Millers hill to Michael Buble. How he knew what to do to comfort her when she was too upset to talk, how he sung her favourite song in tune softly before embracing her in a tight hug. The quick glances at her that he thinks she can't see. These were the reasons that made her days much more happier and in a way gave her a reason to keep going.  She looks back down at the photo of Harvey before putting in back into her pocket and standing back up. She stares into the woods with a hint of hesitation for whether or not it was worth it.


Harvey grunts angrily storming off into the woods without another glance back at Ivey. Angrily smacking tree branches as he walks along.  By the time he got deep into the woods he stops by a tree for a break. He leans against it in deep thought with a grumpy expression. He drops to his knees and slumps against the tree tiredly with a deep breath.

He didn't have many vivid memories of Ian because he was always with Macey but he did remember the way he use to use hair gel a lot and special shampoo for his hair so him and Macey snuck hair dye into it one night. Or how he'd always  throw the ball to him even when his mates were around. That was until he was a lot older and they bearly said a word to each other until the week before the world went to shit. He always thought that Ian was the only reason that he should stay alive but when he let his mind wander he looked over at a fallen tree and all he could imagine was Cooper, how he'd clumsily trip over it, land on his face and pretend that he did it on purpose. How in the least appropriate times he'd make stupid jokes or nerdy comments. How how he face planted the give way sign or spilling the water down the front of his pants. How even though he was never told to he'd always try to prove himself by saving them with an old computer keyboard or when he took out two people actually bigger than him with nothing but his fists and a small frypan. This brought the tiniest smile to the corner of Harvey's lip. He turn his gaze to the spot next to him,where Ivey would be If she were with him. He remembers her smile,and how she'd be by his side in a second to make sure he's alright. How no matter how grumpy or rude he was she didn't leave or loose her optimism. How kind and gentle she was to everything, how she would never hurt a fly. How all she'd try to do is make the situation better, to make the best of the worst thing. How all she wanted to do was help.

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