Chapter 3

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------------ the road ahead---------

Harvey groans turning to the woman.

" why the hell are you still here!?...... Go!"

He points in the opposite direction trying to send her off. The woman grips onto her backpack and lowers her head

" uh......thank you....for saving me..."

She mumbles before slowly turning and heading off back down the road. Harvey sighs in relief and turns around sliding his own back pack on and starts walking. He scuffs the dirt as his inner thoughts still haunt him. Her looks back at the woman who was fading into the distance. He stops and stares at her before sighing and sprinting to her.

" wait!.....stop!" He yells as the woman turns to his voice with a upset and scared expression. He stands in front of her sighing.

" you'll get yourself killed out here on your own. " he states.

" why do you care anyway?" The woman complains going to walk off again. Harvey bites his tongue.

" I don't care, I just don't want to be responsible for your death because God knows how many I already have to deal with"

he looks at her with still no kindness in his eyes. The woman nods finding it safer with him then on her own. She holds her hand out gently

" by the way....I'm" she was cut off by Harvey's scoff

" I really don't give a shit" he walks a few steps in front of her. The woman goes silent and follows close behind.
For most of the day they walked down the long road in silence. The woman stops and leans on a only broken car before pulling her boot off. Harvey turns to her groaning again
" where not stopping, hurry up now!" He turns back and keeps walking. She stands up and furrows her brow

" hey! You know what! Enough with the commands! Your an asshole you know that!." She puts her boot back on after dropping the small stones out.

" you know what I don't care! I saved your worthless excuse for a life! IF IT WASN'T FOR ME you'd be dead right now! I may be an asshole but your still alive!"

He keeps walking. The woman cowers a little with no response and silently continues to follow him. Walking down the dry completely deserted road towards the giant city of what use to be New York. As she holds the straps of her back pack she trails behind Harvey who was looking around as he walked to wherever was safest. The whole city was broken and run down. The towering buildings were tilting into each other, some toppling. Crappy rust buckets that use to be cars. Most being high jacked and dumped into a car graveyard. Windows smashed, glass everywhere. Occasionally you'd find a body. You always wonder when the world will end, but maybe it's too late to think that as the world has already died.

As the two of them scuff the small stones and rubble of the fallen buildings. Harvey finally decides to stop for a well deserved break. He plants his ass onto a crushed car boot his feet just off the ground. He slides his backpack beside him and loudly unzips it paying no attention to Ivey who was on the verge of collapsing, her legs trembling from exhaustion and her lips cracked and dry from dehydration. She slumps down a fair distance away from Harvey in caution and the slight annoyance of his heartlessness towards her. She breathes heavily taking a small rest. Harvey pulls out his water bottle and unscrews the lid, he then starts sculling the water down like no tomorrow. As his chin lowered finishing the bottle he finally looks at Ivey who was breathing rapidly with a dry throat. She kept her head down staring at the ground before looking in every other direction but Harvey's. Harvey hops down from the car before sliding his backpack back on and went to continue on there quest for shelter or more importantly food. He walks past Ivey

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