Chapter one

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To put it in other words the worlds gone to shit, for the whole of humanity has vanished as morals and codes have seemed to have disappeared from existence. Murder wasn't a crime anymore, you'd have to steal to survive. Protect the ones you love. Things have changed dramatically.for everyone except one man.harvey Bluethorn.

Hiking down the highway for hours with nothing but a small backpack was all that Harvey owned. His dark brown boots dusted in dirt along with the ankle areas of his dark brown trousers. As his feet scuffing the dirt his backpack sways as his masculine figure bounces in motion. His scruffy short brown hair flickers in the warm dusty breeze. With the world ending and all, moving cars were a sight for sore eyes. Stacked shelves even fresh food was scarce now. As Harvey finally saw buildings in the horizon he picks up his pace before nightfall hits the earth.

Walking along the cracked Asphalt in the blistering heat had dehydrated him immensely . His breathes were laboured and his feet dragged along the dry ground growing weaker by the minute. When dusk set in, he scrambled his way into a blocked off apartment building. Using a beam of iron he wedges the flips the blue station wagon off the doorway with what ever strength he had left in him. Grunting as it slowly budges he sets his right foot against the door frame to manoeuvre it creating enough space for him to slip through. He chucks his black back pack inside before following it himself. Tilting his shoulder while bending down put him in an uncomfortable position but he managed to fit. He stands back up grabbing his backpack again and sliding it onto his shoulders. He stretches his back and takes a look around. The room was cramped but it was enough for the night.

He sets his black back pack in the corner and sits down against the wall with his legs crossed .he holds a can of kidney beans in his hand ,that he had managed to find in the kitchen of the old apartment we was currently hiding out in.the can was dusty but a few wipes of his sleeve and it was clean enough.he uses his pocket knife to break open the seal and individually stab the beans before eating them slowly in order to savour the scarce rations he had with him.after eating the last bean he places the empty can on the floor. As the Suns heat starts to die down the cool air slowly crept in with the darkness.

the room is dark and sullen,with only glimpses of moonlight breaking through the torn curtains and casting shadows around the room.three lone figures stand at the window,nothing more than murky silhouettes as they glare into the room with intense stance.the middle one with bold and built shoulders,the other two merely shorter and one with longer hair then the rest.

harvey rolls over as he cautiously sleeps,keeping his ears out for sounds of entry.he opens his eyes for a second,just enough to see the figures just outside. there voices were low and gruffly,one of them with a fierce snicker.

"looks like we have company boys!".

harvey sits up,his knife tightly in his hand looking out the window to see the figures had disappeared into the dark summers night.his heart beats rapidly while scanning around the room only to freeze at the front door out to the hall of the old apartment he was currently in.the hall echoed in distant voices and scraping,careless footsteps ghosting each other.
harvey tenses up and gets up to his feet grabbing his backpack and tucking his sleeping bag into it before silently zipping it up and running to the wardrobe, this being his quickest mode of action that he could muster up in this moment. He huddles into the corner of the wardrobe before sliding the door closed panting heavily in fear of his life. The wardrobe closes just in time for the apartment door to creek open. As the three masculine footsteps enter the musty room Harvey bites his tongue with fists clenched with his face against the door of the wardrobe. Hearing mumbling and stomping his own thoughts and hearing were drowned out by his own heart beat that he felt rumble and pound through his whole body at a million miles an hour. His breath becomes shallow and laboured as he holds his breath trying to be as silent as he could.  With no plan, no backup and his weapons in his bag out of reach he had no choice but to hide and wait it out.

The end of all things حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن