Chapter 13

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----------------- jitters and nerves ----------------------------

Cooper walks up confidently to Jessy who was hanging the washing up. She smiles seeing him approach her and stops what she's doing. Her beautiful smile stops him in his tracks. He just stands there like a deer struck by headlights. She chuckles as he had a stunned mullet expression. She waves and chuckles softly

" uh....cooper?....hey...hello?" She waves until he blinks and stumbles over his words.

" was..I hope you don't mind if I ask....that...if you..." he panics at the last second and bails with his tail between his legs

" like some help with the washing?"He picks up a random piece of clothing and goes to hang it up without looking. Jessy giggles before pointing to it, cooper glances at it before realising it was a bra. He goes red in the face before grabbing something else. Jessy laughs before picking up the now empty basket and heading inside. Cooper sighs before face palming himself.

Millers voice came on the speakerphone loudly but proudly

" small meeting at the front courtyard! Everyone welcome!" Then echoed as it stopped. Ivey wanders over to cooper and nudges him
" so...what did she say?....yes?.." she smirks but is immediately shut down by coopers face hiding away. She sighs with a bitch face
" you didn't ask her did you?" She shoves him as he shakes his head. She pulls his arm towards the main courtyard
" come on......let's see what's going on".

Mr Miller stood on a few big crates as a makeshift stage. Still wearing his long black trench that he never seemed to not wear, he has a large smile on his face as he opens his arms invitingly.

" to fully welcome our new arrivals, there is an organised party as a is tomorrow 8 all is welcome hope to see you there" he smiles.

" there's food....drinks....and music....even a dance floor...., all of this is being organised by the lovely Jessy over there" he points to Jessy who was holding a basket of party supplies such as streamers, balloons table cloths and even a disco ball. She even had a wreath of lights wrapped around her shoulder. She smiles before heading to the open factory room where the event was being held. Cooper who was staring at her was pushed towards her by Ivey with a smirk

" come on.....go ask her to the party!......ask her out already!" She giggles finding it so obvious it hurt. Harvey on the other hand was standing at the back of the crowd with his arms folded into each other. As the crowd slowly separated Ivey walks up beside him and nudges him softly

" won't this be fun?....... I cannot imagine you dancing at all" she giggles at the thought. Harvey grunts in a dismissive tone and starts walking off

" your coming right?" Ivey smiles, but Harvey gives a bitch face and shake of his head makes Ivey loose her smile.

" Harvey....the party is for'll be rude not to come" she explains trying to convince him.

" I was told by Maggie that they even have nice clothes for us to wear.....I mean...there's no excuse not to" she waves her hand around trying to look more desperate. Harvey grunts again

" I told you I ain't's aren't my thing....go have fun though" he walks a little faster in hope of loosing her. Ivey stops with a heavy sigh.

Meanwhile jessy was stationed over the other side of the room ,hanging the lights up around the roof. She was just climbing up the ladder as cooper entered the room. He smiles seeing her and fixes his collar determined that this is when he'll ask her to go to the dance with him.

The end of all things Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin