Chapter 6

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--------------------------------- over the edge -------

Ivey's hand swipes her face softly as he eyes flutter and She wriggles a little before her hands touch something leathery laying over her body. She grunts a little lifting her head before looking down at what she now recognises as Harvey's jacket. She sits up yawning and stretching her arms pulling the jacket off herself. Cooper smiles holding out a can of fruit.
" morning.....Ivey..." His shaggy hair fluffed in the breeze. Ivey smiles and takes it
" thanks.....cooper" she picks up the jacket and looks over to Harvey who was still curled up a little sleeping. His shoulders exposed in a thin grey singlet. She smiles in gratitude before sliding over to him and laying it over him like he did to her. This wakes him up suddenly. He flinches and jolts up pulling out his knife before realising its Ivey and lowering it.

"'s me....... " she holds her hands up with his jacket

" I'm sorry.......I was..."
Harvey sighs "'s ok....what?...." He sees his jacket and lowers his head a little in awkwardness. He gruffs

" oh....uh....about that...yeah.....I'm..sorry...I just...." Harvey is stopped by Ivey's lips softly pecking his cheek then pulling away with a kind smile. Harvey lowers his head hiding what seemed to be rosy cheeks now.

" Thankyou Harvey......" She smiles before passing him his jacket back. Harvey takes it

" it's....nothin....really" he admits trying to act like he didn't really care before sliding it back on and standing up. Harvey silently packs up his bag and swings it over his shoulder. Ivey stands and casually changes the conversation to help kill his awkwardness.

" so.....where we gonna go Now? have any plan at all?" Ivey turns away from cooper and faces Harvey. Harvey nods
" yeah......were goin north....I'm gonna meet a guy there....out of the city " Ivey nods, she doesn't notice cooper frozen staring that the alleyway ahead of them. His eyes wide open, paralysed by fear. He manages to slowly move his hand to the closest person to him, Harvey. He nudges him making a soft groaning sound.

" there's a road west of here....I think it'll be." Harvey is interrupted by coopers nudge

" not now kid!" He dismisses him and continues with Ivey
" it'll be easier to skip this road....and....follow along....." Harvey is interrupted by another nudge

" guys......uh..." Coopers voice softly whispers in panic. Harvey growls and again ignores him trying to finish the deep conversation they were immersed in.

" it'll be faster okay?........" Cooper nudges Harvey a third time this setting Harvey off.

" pack your things we'll .....WHAT! Cooper!?" He turns around before looking straight at the four men with knives and one with a gun. His face drops as he turns to them. Ivey stares at them in terror.

" h.....Harvey?......what do we do?....." Ivey grips onto Harvey's arm. Harvey tilts his head slightly and hollers his only advice.

" run!".

The three of them throw themselves out of the gates and sprint for their lives knowing those men weren't there to be friendly. They take a shortcut around the corner to a main square of New York before stopping at a long line of banked up cars blocking the road. The three of them frantically look around for somewhere to hide.

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