Chapter 19

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-------------------------------------------------------And now there are two----------------------------------------------

Harvey charges at the eyepatch man before he could shoot again and is violently tackled to the ground with a hard thump. Harvey growls in fury as he repeatedly punches him in the face over and over. Looking down at the bruised faced monster who was still fitted with a blood stained grin. His face so angered you could swear smoke would fly out his ears. His fist smacks down into his face so many times that he eventually fell unconscious. But this didn't stop Harvey. The punches kept coming again and again with no sign of stopping or slowing down. His face slowly being so mangled that it no longer looked human.

A weak whimper from behind him
" h..Harvey!????......."
but Harvey was too blinded by hatred and anger to notice. As Harvey tired himself out punching the caved in blood spewing face for at least the hundredth time. His fists press against the gravel as he catches his breath his hands shaking a little as he pulls away. The weak whimpers repeats before Harvey stands up and slowly turns around. His face drops seeing Ivey hunched over on the gravel. Cooper laying limp in her arms and resting on her lap. Ivey looks up at Harvey her face streaming with tears. Harvey's arms lift up behind his head as he groans upset seeing the flow of blood running out of a small hole in coopers forehead. Ivey's arms holding him close gently rocking back and forth. Harvey turns around walking in different directions with his arms on the back of his head.

" N....noooooooo" he repeats looking in every direction except down at Ivey. Ivey clings onto coopers limp ,lifeless body as her face scrunches up sobbing uncontrollably into coopers chest. Harvey yells angrily into the air

" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" he screams in frustration.

Ivey sobs hysterically into coopers neck almost gasping for breath. Her hands shaking as she grips onto him tightly. His arms dropping to the floor with his limp body.  Her face scrunches up as she looks at his vacant face in her arms.

"" she cries loudly in denial as she holds his head up in her hands. Her fingers scouring every inch of his face wanting him to wake up. Harvey watches from a distance in frustration before walking to her and placing a hand on her shoulder. Ivey shakes cooper gently but roughly

" back.....wa...wake up...." she repeats several times before Harvey pulls at her arm trying to stand her up. She pulls away roughly and continues as she sobs. Harvey grips her arm and firmly pulls her but she fights back punching him hard in the chest.

" cooper! Come back! Not now!!! " she screams out trembling. Harvey's jaw clenched before standing behind her and picking her up under her arms dragging her up and away from cooper.

" IVEY LET GO!" He yells.

As she thrashed she only tired herself out. Harvey stands over coopers body for a few moments before with a straight face and a clenched jaw he gently picks him up and carries him into the woods leaving Ivey hunched to her knees gasping and whimpering weakly. 

------------------------ later that night--------------------------

Ivey had not said a single word all day, just sits there in shock against a tree. Harvey keeping his distance aware that Ivey wasn't coping. Every time he'd try to say something it would end up with a small stone hitting him. Harvey stares over at the freshly dug dirt in front of a tree with Cooper O'reily  scratched into the trunk. He turns back to Ivey who was hugging her knees tightly staring at the small fire in between them. Harvey's guilt for coopers death being locked inside where he kept his grief and anger. He stares at Ivey missing her usual optimistic and gentle aura that he was getting use to and starting to love about her. Instead all that was left was a blubbering mess and her broken heart that he hated seeing. 

" it was my fault......" he manages to say before being hit with another stone. Ivey looks up at him with a vacant tear stained face.

" it was my fault they got him.....I killed should of been me non of this was your fault" he blurts out sternly. Ivey sniffles loudly before her eyes start to water again. Harvey's face drops realising he just made her feel worse. He sighs silently as she starts crying again into her knees. He fidgets before getting up and silently walking over to her. He sits down right next to her before she looks up and starts to wriggles away. Harvey goes to grip her hand but she pulls it away weakly.

" Ivey.....I'm sorry.." he exhales with a genuine sympathetic expression. She sniffs and turns her head away hiding her tears. A while passes before Ivey's tears stopped and she just sat there blank and silent. Harvey still sitting there trying to think of a way to comfort her. As Ivey stares off into nothing the silence is soon softly filled with a familiar voice

🎶. I use to spend my nights out in the bar room
Liquor was the only love I knowwwwwwwwn
But you rescued me from reaching for the bottlllllleeee
And brought me back from beeeeeing too far goooooone

Ivey slowly turns to Harvey who the surprisingly soft beautiful voice belongs to. His puppy face was on as he continues looking at Ivey calmly. Her face stares at him with her upset but loving half smile at her favourite song that Harvey was actually singing.

🎶Your as smoooooooooooooooooth as Tennessee whiskey
Your as swweeeeeeeeeeeeeeett as strawberry wine
Your as waaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm as a glassssss of brandyyyy
And honey I stay strong on your love all the time .

As he sings he reaches out and grips her hand gently. This time she grips back still looking at him.

I looked for love in all the same old placeeeessss
Found the bottom of the bottles always dryyyyyyyyyy
But when you pooled out your heart I didn't waste it
Cause there's nothing like your love, to get me higggggggggggh
And your as smooooooooth as Tennessee whiskey
Your as sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet as strawberry wine
Your as warrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm as a glass of brandy
Honey I stay strong on your love all the time

yeah As Harvey softened his singing to humming, her eyes slowly started to water again before her head leans into Harvey's shoulder. Harvey wraps his arms around her and pulls her deep into his chest holding her head into his neck. His chin rests on the top of her head as his free hand rubbed her back soothingly. She continues to sob into his chest until she was so exhausted that no more tears could fall. 

" shhhhhh...........your gonna be alright....." he coos softly calming her down. Harvey's arms hold her close as she slowly relaxed feeling somewhat safe in his arms. She looks up at him slowly finally calm. He looks down at her vulnerable state. She stares at him for a moment before slowly leaning up towards his lips. Harvey stares at her for seemed like minutes before he leans down and gently lays her down resting her head on his lap. She sniffs weakly before closing her eyes and falling asleep moments later. Harvey's hand gently stroked her hair comfortingly as he stared at the fire. His own grief staying bottled up, burning him up from the inside. They we he's always dealt with pain. For the rest of night unable to close his eyes without seeing coopers face as he stares at his grave.

The end of all things Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon