Chapter 10

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"IVEYYYYYY!!!!!!??" Cooper screams at the top of his lungs dropping to all fours and peeking over the cliff face. Harvey joins and looks down at the fast flowing rapid river. Their faces drop seeing a limp body getting swept into the currents. They get to their feet and sprint down the river bank. Swinging off trees to keep up with the river current. They are eventually forced to stop at a river bank huffing and panting. Cooper is behind and finally limps up to him panicking holding his ankle. Harvey points at the muddy limp body bobbing in the Rapids face down. Cooper looks at Harvey scared as hell before lifting his leg up

" I can't swim with my sore ankle" his voice cracks breathing heavily, his watery eyes stare at Harvey who was looking back and forth from cooper and Ivey who was slowly drifting further away.
Without a second thought he kicks his shoes off and his socks, then pulls his thin singlet off before diving head first into the river leaving cooper watching helplessly. He picks up Harvey's clothes and hops through the bushes following the current gripping the branches and trunks. Harvey resurfaces and swims against the currents towards her body. His face being slapped several times by splashing ice cold water. His body is also swept into the thin rocky swerve of sharp boulders and rocks. His face being submerged in water every couple of seconds. With bad view he can barely see her at all now and bumps into a large rock. It grazes along his side and upper back. He groans in pain then coughs and splutters but keeps his focus on Ivey. As he swims towards Ivey his face is almost a scared expression for only her safety. He seemed to of lost any thought about his own.

Harvey wraps his arms around Ivey who was unconscious in the fast flowing river. He spins her around so she can finally breathe but her mouth doesn't open nor does her eyes open. Both their body's dunking under water with the rough currents dragging them down. Harvey gasps and he tries to keep both Ivey's and his own head above the water. Gripping onto her shirt with his arms under hers, he used all his energy to swim both of them closer to shore. The cold water shocking their bodies. Before they can get close to shore they are again thrown the opposite directions to their intention into a dangerous rock faced valley of boulders. Harvey grips onto Ivey and faces his back towards the rock wall that was quickly becoming close in proximity. With a thump into his back he keeps Ivey from hitting the wall causing himself to dunk under water. As he gasps for air the river disappears off a massive cliff faced waterfall. Harvey's face drops as he looses his grip on Ivey and she drifts off the edge. He kicks off the closest boulder and dives head first off and down the hundred meter drop into a large lake. From his kick off everything went in slow motion as he reaches for Ivey who's face was still vacant and cold. Harvey's body collides with her as he protectively covers himself around her and holds her head into his chest firmly. He closes his eyes and holds his breath as he held Ivey close turning his body under hers to take the impact


----------------------------- on shore ------
Cooper tries to ignore his ankle as he sprints down the sloped hills towards the end of the river hoping to see both of them alive. As the end of the lake passes him he skids and runs onto the large sand bank running around the entire lake. He stares up at the giant waterfall with a horrors expression seared onto his face. He drops Harvey's shoes and shirt onto a near by rock off the sand and looks everywhere for any sign of Harvey or Ivey. He covers his mouth with his hand and waits agonisingly for something to happen.

After what felt like hours cooper sees a small figure reaching the surface of the now smooth and soft flowing current. Harvey's back and shoulders pop up as his head tilts back gasping for air. Coopers face brightens seeing him alive he waves his hand around taking his shoes off and taking a few steps into the cold water. Harvey weakly swims towards cooper and the shore with now visible limp body in his arms. Coopers arms drop ,so does his face. As Harvey gasps and splutters his feet touching the ground he stands up wobbly and holds Ivey's body bridal style into his chest. Her arms hanging off his arms and her long hair drenched and covering her face. Harvey's shoulder and back was all grazed and bruised from the impact leaving Ivey with barely any sort of injury that wasn't caused by the city building. Coopers puppy face turns on as his shaky hands cover his mouth

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