Chapter 15

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---------------------------------------what wood you do------------------------

Harvey stands up from the bunk with confusion written on his face.

"Wait what happened!?" He yells heading for the door. He is stopped by Michael holding a backpack. He smiles with a face filled with determination. He tries to pass him a large shotgun then pulls him into the hallway. Harvey looks at him confused as he closes the door to their room.

" hey Harvey there's a deer in the woods not far from here, let's go get it we're low in meat" he informs. Harvey points down the hallway to the courtyard.

" I was just about to..." but he is cut off by Michael putting the gun into his hands.

" please..." he gives him a pleading look before smiling. Harvey sighs wanting to shut him up and nods

" fine let's go" he walks back into his room and grabs his jacket and follows Michael to the front gate by the woods. Maggie and Stephan nods as a signal as the gates open. Harvey and Michael disappear into the woods.

Jessy is washing dishes in the main community kitchen, with her apron wrapped around her waist. Cooper sneaks in and watches her as the bubbles splash everywhere. He smiles with a cheeky grin before he walks up to her and wraps his arms around her waist. Jessy squeals loudly and drops a plate turning around. She recognises cooper and breathes in relief. She smiles holding her hand over her heart.

" cooper....geez...don't..." cooper cuts her off by kissing her intensely. Jessy's eyes widen then slowly close. Her hands that were  covered in bubbles raise and slide onto his face. Cooper pulls away with a smirk. Jessy stands there shocked before smiling.

" what was that for?" She questions.

" because I can" cooper kisses her again before Jessy soapy hands smears bubbles over his face. Cooper pulls away and wipes his face with a cheeky smirk. He looks up at her and grabs a handful of bubbles from the sink behind her and sprays it onto her in retaliation. She giggles and takes her apron off and wipes her face then leans up and wipes coopers face. He wraps arms around her waist and picks her up spinning her around and gently setting her back down. Jessy smiles and giggles

" cooper....what's going on why are you so happy this morning.?" She chuckles culling his cheeks softly. Cooper strokes her cheek and takes hold of her hands and smiles brighter with blushing cheeks

" I..just....I've never had a girlfriend before....." he shrugs softly. Jessy blushes and smiles

" well now you do..." she chuckles and kisses him again wrapping her arms around his neck and running her hands through his soft fluffy hair.

" god your perfect......" cooper smirks.

- ------------------- meanwhile----------------------

Eventually they are deep into the woods, the dirt beneath them is moist and squishy against their feet. The trees are clumped together and bushes are becoming much more bigger and bushier. As Harvey walks ahead of Michael looking for this deer he was talking about he hears a grunt of frustration and sigh of relief. The sound of a gun cocking turns his head around. Michael smirks creepily holding the shot gun right at Harvey's chest. His face drops as his body turns to him in confusion and caution. Michael takes the safety off before raising it to Harvey's head.  He sighs in relief

" oh this was way too easy.." he exhales with a small chuckle.

" w..what are you doing?....i the deer is over there..." Harvey slowly puts his finger on his trigger but Michael glares and takes a step

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