"Marcey, I said I would help." She said as her eyes roamed over my now very dirty room.

"I know, but I don't even know where we're going and I don't know what he's wearing. What if-"

"I know where you're going. So how about we chill out, yeah?" I let out a long, thankful sigh and nodded. I watched as a determined look sketched into her face and she started to pull different articles of clothing from the bar. When she finished and ended up hanging all of my clothes back up, I looked at the outfit in utter confusion.

"Ugh, Kourtney? I don't think this is proper for a date." I stated. She turned and looked at me with a hint of amusement.

"Just trust me, kay?"

"I just want to look okay." I told her.

"There's no way you can dress up, not even in your everyday wear." The more she spoke, the more my confusion expanded.


"That's for me to know and you to find out." She smirked.


"See you tomorrow, Love. Love you lots!" Then she turned and rushed out of my room and not even thirty seconds after, I heard the door shut and a car start. I folded them perfectly and set them gently on my dresser, excited for tomorrow. I smiled and fell back on my bed.


"Nervous?" Leeroy asked as we sat down at our tree.

"A bit."

"You will love it!"

"Does everyone know but me?!" I whined.

"That they do babe." I heard an angel voice reply from behind me.

"Is this your thing? Sneaking up behind me at lunch?" He smiled at me and leaned down to wrap me in a small hug. I noticed a plastic wrap on his forearm and had to ask, "New tattoo?"

"Last spot I had to fill and now both sleeves are complete."

"Can I see?" He nodded and pulled it off gently. The words, You are the light at the end of my long tunnel of demons were cursively put in the middle of all of his other fascinating tattoos. "What does it mean?"

"I'll let you know when I know you're ready." I looked at him questioningly but agreed. "Anyways, I have to go make up a test. Meet Leeroy and Kourtney by her car last bell."

"Bye." He turned and I watched as he walked away before turning to Lee again.

"Checking out his lovely bum?" I blushed hard and looked at his laughing face.

"Maybe." I replied.

Wrecking Ball (Loucel/Larcel/Larry/Neeroy/Niam AU)Where stories live. Discover now