The first date pt1

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Me and the rest of the basketball team and cheerleaders all walked up in the Fridays. We had just won yet another game thanks to me of course. The players at one table and the cheerleaders at another. We were talking up a storm being loud like teenagers.
"Hi my name Kayla you guys ready to order?" We all look up at out waitress.
"Oh damn how you doing baby." We all laughed at our teammate and his tired ass. "Look here baby imma be in the NBA soon so this little waitress thing you don't have to do this." This nigga fool.
The girl rolled her eyes laughing. "Y'all gonna order or what I got other tables."
"I'm ready don't know bout these fools." I and the other guys order what we want and pass Kayla our menus.
"Yo she look mad familiar. I don't know where I seen her but I know her from somewhere." One of my teammates said.
Now that he said that she do tho. We were talking about the game when the head cheerleader came over leaning all over me.
"Hey Chris great game tonight." She smiled not knowing she had a piece of food in her teeth.
"Thanks you got something in your teeth."
"Oh my god." She ran off to the ladies room.
I got another one of the waiters to help me bring out the food to the table full of football players and the table of cheerleaders.
"Um excuse me but my food is cold this needs to be free." The head cheerleader says pushing her plate away.
Wow she's even more bitchy outside of school.
"Uh I can't do that but I can get you a new plate."
"Ok well......there's a hair in my food."
"I just saw you put your own hair in it. I got other tables to get to and don't need you silly childish games." I grab her plate taking it back to warm it up.
Of all the restaurants to come to they just had to come to the one I work at. Just my luck. I bought her food back then went to check on the guys. "How is everything over here?"
"We good over here beautiful." Chris the captain of the team says winking at me.
"Ha good to know." I start to walk away.
"Wait Kayla you go to our school right?"
I was really hopping they didn't recognize me. "Uh yeah."
"I knew it I've seen you around. Be rockin those jordans tho baby stay fly." He said making me smile.
"Thanks oh and I saw your game I think it was last week your good not better than my boo Kobe but good."
"Oh so it's like that huh. I bet you won't be saying that when that nigga retired and I'm the one you callin boo." I laughed shaking my head.
"The day that happened is the day pigs fly." He chuckled shrugging.
"Pigs just might start growing some wings."
I can't believe he's actually talking to me. In school he doesn't even look my way. Not like I care if he does or not it's just weird. At the end of the night he gave me his number and a big tip. I caught that head cheerleader glaring at me but I don't give a flying hoot about her.
"So uh you should call me sometime....maybe we can you know go out." Chris smiled with his hands in his varsity jacket with our school colors and name on it.
"Maybe you know if I'm not working or have anything more important to do." We both laughed.
"Ok I see you. Imma see you around school." He winked and walked out with the rest of the teams.

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