Dont forget about me

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"Chanel lock up before you leave....I'm gone." One of my co workers called out as I was doing some last minute checking around the store.

I got all of my belongings locking up as told. I was walking to my car under the bright full moon. It was so beautiful. It made me think of the love of my life. Six years of marriage and two beautiful children. I couldn't be happier with my family and life at that. Everything has been so smooth lately.

Now sure I'm a little taken back since nothing good ever last long but I'm gonna enjoy it while I can. I finally get to my car making my way home. On my way I got the regular call from my babies. It was just something we do when either of us are on our way home from work. I pressed the answer button on the screen hearing tons of laughing.

"Hey mom." My odlest boy says. "Hi honey."

"Hi mommy." My little princess says as loud as she could to. "Hi princess." I smile as the light turns yellow then red.

"Hey baby." I hear his deep smooth voice almost making me melt. "Hey babe."

"Dinner is ready so we just waiting on you beautiful." I blushed stepping on the gas. "You blushed didn't you?" I hear that smirk in his voice.

"No I didn't mister know it all." I smile. "I'm turning on our street so I'll see you in a minute."

"Alright baby I'll see you." He hangs up.

I smile as I start to see our beautiful home.

*car horn.......tire crashes.....tire scratches......ambulance sirens*

"Daddy where's mommy." My princess asked pouting.

I pick her up putting her on my lap kissing her head.

"She'll be here soon baby don't worry."
Just then knocking is at the door. Now why would she knock when she has a key. This is her house to.

"Mommy!" Princess runs to the door.

"I got her dad." My first born says going after her. "Uh dad."

I get up walking to the door seeing two police officers.

"Hello officers is there a problem?"

"Are you Christopher Brown husband to Chanel Brown?" He read off a notepad.

"Yes sir."

"Ok well um I'm sorry to tell you this but your wife was in a terrible hit and run accident. We need you to go to the hospital as fast as possible. Again I'm sorry for the sad news." They walk off.
I stood still at the door.

"Dad come on ill get princess ready." My first born says holding a silently crying princess.
"Mr.Brown it pains me to say this but your wife has little time left. There was to much blood lost. If you would like you can her just one last time."

I can't believe this. My wife.....mother of my and only love. Tears rolled down my face as I went back to tell our children. Our son took it well but our princess didn't.

"Daddy I don't want mommy to leave us." She cried holding into me tight.
"I know baby....I don't want her to leave us either."

I sat in the waiting area crying with my kids for about thirty minute then got the strength to go into her room. The entire walk images of us through out the years flashed in my head. I found myself smiling until I got to her room. I slowly walked in.

It was like every piece of air was snatched out my lungs. She was pail with tubes coming out of her. She didn't look like my Chanel yet was still as beautiful as the day I layed eyes on her. Walking in completely taking a chair sitting next to her and grab her hand. I watched her slowly open her eyes. I smiled. My last time seeing those one of a kind golden eyes. She squeezed my hand with the little strength she had. My tears returned as

I pressed my lips to her hand. She wiggled her fingers a little making me look up. I see her looking at something. I turn and see the bracelet I gave her on our first anniversary. I picked it up.
"Give princess......don't forget me....please." Tears start running down her face.

"I couldn't if I tried baby." I squeezed her hand as we both cried.

"" *bleeeeeeeeep*

"I love you more."

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