To Feel - Chapter 3 - Time alone

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"Be silent. Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I have not passed through fire and death... to bandy crooked words with a witless worm." Gandalf spat at him. I looked at Gandalf and saw him raise his staff. Grima looked at the staff in fear, and I felt the tension increase massively.

"His staff. I told you take the Wizard's staff," He whined, moving further and further away from Gandalf. The guards came forward, and we quickly deflected their attacks. I sent a punch and a kick to a man, who tried to approach Gandalf, easily taking him down. Another man went to throw a punch at my head, but I ducked and while doing so, swiped my leg at the man's feet making him fall back. I jumped back up and turned around, only to have an unexpected punch thrown at my face. The blow was painful and sent my head to the side, but it only angered me. I dodged another punch from the same man, and sent one of my own back. He clearly wasn't expecting it, and in the moment of his shock, I sent a kick to his gut, making him hunch forward. I kneed his head, and it sent him falling to the floor.

"Théoden... son of Thengel... To long have you sat in the shadows," Gandalf said, walking away from the fighting. I saw Grima trying to get away, but Gimli knocked him down and stood on his chest. I looked away from them and back to Gandalf.

"Hearken to me. I release you... from the spell." Gandalf said holding his hand up to Théoden and closed his eyes, but a mocking cackle came from the lips of Théoden. By now, the fighting had ceased and everyone was looking at the two.

"You have now power here... Gandalf the Grey." He cackled. I could see Gandalf was angry, by reading his body language. He threw off his grey cloak and threw it to the ground. Théoden jumped back from the brightness of the white light. Many of the men covered their eyes at the light, but I only squinted my eyes a little.

"I draw you Saruman, as poison is drawn from a wound," Gandalf then moved his staff forward which pushed Théoden back into his chair. A door from the side of the hall opened, and a good maiden saw the king and ran for him. Aragorn grabbed her and told her to wait.

"If I go, Théoden dies," Saruman's voice said from Théoden's body. Gandalf held his staff forward and walked closer.

"You did not kill me... you will not kill him," Gandalf answered back to the voice.

"Rohan is mine," Saruman spat through his teeth.

"Be gone," Gandalf ordered him. Théoden lunged at Gandalf but Gandalf thrust him back to his seat. Théoden let out a moan and slumped forward, almost falling out of his seat. The maiden ran out of Aragorn's arms and caught Théoden in her arms. As the spell lifted off him, his facial features began to change and made him look back to his original age.

"I know your face. Eowyn. Eowyn." He breathed to her. Eowyn smiled at him. Théoden looked around the hall and spotted Gandalf. "Gandalf?" He asked him.

Breath the free air, my friend," Gandalf said to him. With the help of Eowyn, Théoden managed to shakily stand up.

"Dark have been my dreams of late," he said, lifting his hand to look at his fingers.

Queen of the Swords & Lord of the Rings (a LOTR fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora