She raises her head again, and smiles at me. "I know I wasn't there for you when you were younger, but I'll be there for you know. I will watch over you, now that I have found you, and aid you in anyway I can." She stroked my cheek with a cold finger. "I promise." 

We stood there for a moment, both of us regarding each other, not really sure what to do. Then she pulled away. "If there is nothing else you want to know, it's time for you to go back." She nods towards the door. "If you wish to return to the land of the living, go through the door. If you wish to stay here, in the land of the dead, and rest, then stay here. Stay in this house, and when the time is right, I will escort you to the judgment hall." She says. "But you must decide now."

 I turn away from her, and, without hesitation, make my way for the door. I put a hand on the door, but before I turn the handle, I turn and look back at her. She's sitting on the old coach, watching me. "I have unfinished business back in the land of living." I say. And with that, I turn the door knob, and am greeted with a bright flash of golden light.


 Peter's POV---

 I haven't left her side since the day I laid her down on my bed. 

It's been a week and five days. 

Not everyone has hope anymore, not everyone believes she'll come back. 

Only Calypso and I really believe she'll come back "Talia is the most determined person I've ever met." She says. "I don't believe she'll chose to rest when she has unfinished business here in the land of living."

I couldn't agree with her more.

Felix pops his head into the tent. "Pan," he says softly. "You need to come out right now." He says.

I sigh, and let go of Talia's hand. I kiss her lightly on the forehead, and walk out with Felix. I'm greeted to the sight of everyone, meaning the Lost Boys, Calypso, Tink, Felix, Ariel, Jack, and Tiger Lily, all gathered around the fire, sitting on logs. I sit beside Tiger Lily, and watch everyone expectantly. "Well?" I ask. "Why did you guys want me to come outside?" I ask.

I notice no one will meet my gaze. Not one of them will look me in the eye, not Felix, not Tink, not Tiger Lily, no one. 

"What?" I ask, starting to get impatient. Calypso clears her throat. "Peter, um, it's been, it's been a week and five days since Talia went into the state she's in." She says softly.

I look at her. "So?" I ask. "She can still come back, right?" I ask. I look around, but still, no one will meet my eyes. "RIGHT?" I ask again. Finally, Tink looks up and meets my eyes. "Peter, there's not a big chance that Talia's coming back." She says. I look at her in shock. "So you're just, what? Giving up on her?" I ask rhethorically. Tiger Lily puts a hand on my shoulder. "Peter, sit down. No, we're not saying that we have to give up hope that she's coming back. Tink and Calypso are just saying that....the chance is very slim."

Tiger Lily never was one to dress her words. I whip around, and look every single person in the eye. Lost boy, Indian, mermaid, fairy, and healer. 

"No, no, she's coming back. She'd never leave with unfinished business! She's to strong to die!" I say desperately. No, Talia's coming back. Talia WILL come back to me. She has to!

"She has to!" I echo my thoughts. "She has to come back to me! I, I can't live with out her!" I say, collapsing to my knees, and for the second time in my entire life, I cry in front of everyone, and I don't care who sees. I feel soft arms encircle me, and look up to see Tink, tears swimming in her eyes. "I, I love her Tink. I never got to tell her properly." I say. Tink nods, biting her lip, and hugs me. "I just want to hold her close to me, kiss her hard, hug her tight, tell her I love her, because I know I do, I know I love her, no matter what I do, I'll always love her."

The words spill from my mouth, and I sob into my hands. 

Then I hear a a soft voice behind me, tired, but unmistakable. "I love you too Peter Pan."


"I love you too Peter Pan." I turn suddenly, and, there she stands. She has a hand on the support holding the tent up, and another heart on her chest. She smiles wide, her beautiful face a glow. "I love you too, and I could never live without you." I stand and, before I know it, I rush towards her, and sweep her into a hug. I hear cheers behind us,  but I don't care.

I kiss her, hard, on the lips. She seems surprised at first, but quickly kisses me back. I smile into her lips. "I missed you." I say. She pulls away, and presses her forehead to mine. "I missed you more." She dives in for another kiss, and wraps her arms around my neck. I hold her waist, and dip her down. She gasps, and pulls away. "Peter Pan!" She fake gasps, but winces, and brings her hand to her chest. 

I bring her back up in concern. She shakes her head. "Just a bit sore, that's all." she says. Then she smirks. "Oh, but you can't live without me, hm?" I blush. "Well, yes. And I hope you know that. I hope you know that I love you, and only you." I say sincerely. She blushes. "I believe that deserves a kiss." She says smirking.

She kisses me again, entwining her fingers behind my neck. I do the same, but behind her waist, and pull her closer to me. Her lips, so soft and full of warmth, move in sync with mine. I gasp slightly. She's a damn good kisser. I pull her tighter, closer, to me. Chest to chest, cheek to cheek. We become so absorbed in our kissing/make out scene, we forget everyone can see us. I hear a cough behind us, and pull away reluctantly. Everyone is staring at us. Tiger Lily points behind us. "There's a tent like, two inches behind you. Please have the decency to go that extra two inches." Everyone laughs, and I can see Talia's cheeks go bright red as she laughs. 

I smirk, and pick her up bridal style. She gasps, and punches me in the arm. "Ow.." I say, frowning. She laughs. "You'll give me a heart attack some day Peter Pan, I swear." I laugh, and wink at her. "Lets go the extra two inches, hm?" I ask. Her eyes widen as I take her into the tent.

"PETER PAN PUT ME DOWN!" She bellows. I dump her unceremoniously on the bed. She frowns. "Thanks." 

I get on the bed beside her. "Save your thanks for later." I say smirking. Her eyes widen as I lean forward..........


KISS SCENE!!!!!!!!

They're not doing IT, please, do NOT think that. It's very intense, that I'll tell you. They're not doing it yet, trust me. So go ahead, IMAGINE.) 

She pulls away from me, gasping. "Peter....." She trails off. I roll away from her, and stand. "It's ok." I say. "I'll wait if you're not ready." I say. She smiles. "You're so great....." She trails off. I smile.

"I will always love you Talia Vicore. And I will wait for you, no matter how long it takes, because really, it doesn't matter. Because we'll forever be in love; so there's no need to rush. I can wait for however long it takes, because I'm waiting for you. And one day, I when the time is right, I won't be able to ask you loud enough, to marry me."

She smiles, and her eyes betray just how touched she is by my words. "Dammit, I love you so much." She leans forward, and we kiss again.

My life, is complete. My little Lost Girl is safe and by my side. 

I will never let her go.


For those Music Fanatics out there, (haha, pun DEFINITLY intended,) I took some of the lyrics from the song by Jason Derulo, 'Will you Marry Me?' 

Namely, the lyrics;

We'll forever be in love, so there ain't no need to rush.

But one day, I won't be able to ask you long enough. 

Will you marry me?

-Will you Marry Me, Jason Derulo.

So, as a courtesy, I'm posting the video on the side >>>>>

Also, did you like the new cover? That my friends, waas made by my awesome friend, @urvipanda !! Check out her profile.... She deserves this free advertising from me, and.....


So here, this chapter is dedicated to my dear friend, @urvipanda. 

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