It's all about Elena

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"Elena,Elena,Elena,we came here just for her!? She looks just like Katherin!" "Don't raze your voice to me! Now go to bed we have school tomorrow" "School! Again! I don't want to go to school all over again Stefan!" "I will put you over my knee again if you don't stop,And you don't have to start at 7th grade again,you can be in Elena's brothers grade" As you can see me and my older brother are having a argument. I really hate it when Stefan or even Damon focus on a another girl then me,wait where is Damon? Stefan never told me where he went. Oh right back to me and Stefan. "Fine,but if a teacher ends up dead don't blame me" "And if you end up grounded don't blame me" "Whatever Stefan,night" "Night" I go to my room and decide to write before I go to bed.

Dear Dairy,
So me and Stefan came back to Mystic Falls because a girl named Elena looks like the she devil Katherin. I miss and don't miss Damon,Stefan and he got into a fight and he never came back sadly. well I have to go before Stefan spanks me for not sleeping,im like 178 years old,gezz, well night


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