Chapter 8

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In another reality, not visible to the human eye, a dark lifeless land rolled out into a chaotic oblivion. It stood behind the mirror of time, and held something too ghastly and gruesome for the human mind. Misery grew from the soil, and torment clouded the sky, and a sickening sadness hung thick in the air along with the fog.

None but a single soul occupied it.

A single soul that was cursed to remain behind the confines of sin.

A single soul that did not own itself.

A single soul that occupied the ruins of an old, decrypt mansion which had been created to mock the very desires he had yearned for.


It had created this place.


It had crowned this place with all it's miseries and shames, and it's eternal dismal song that would drive any soul to insanity.

Greed was the one who that had given this creature it's very own palace of filth and misery.


The creature looked at itself in the mirror.

The creature looked through itself in the mirror.

The creature... looked past itself in the mirror.

The rancid stench of rot and decay fouled the air in the cold, damp room as the creature faced the blood-stained mirror. It was facing the glass, unmoving and unwavering.

The horrendous thing lifted a deformed hand and used it's pale long fingers to stroke the surface of the mirror as it had done a thousand times before. It stared back at the grey sheet of nothing that was it's face, and studied its hundred of protruding tentacle-like appendages curiously.

It wondered at it's incredible height, as it had done a thousand times before...

And was cursed to do a thousand times again.

Without end, in that mirror behind time.

It wondered about everything, philosophized about anything, while withering away into nothing.

Because there was nothing else to do to pass the time.

It could replay it's past in its elongated and faceless head, like it had been forced to do every now and then.

But that just made it feel even more trapped...

It no longer felt like it was it's own being. It felt as if there was a separate thing living inside it as well.

Something far worse than itself.

A sudden impact send shards of blood-covered glass flying in all directions, sliding across the black, creaky floorboards.

The creature looked into the now broken mirror, and ignored the shards of glass digging into it's fist where it had struck the glass.

"Wie lange noch?" It croaked, it's absence of a mouth not stopping it's warbled voice from echoing menacingly through the room.

"Wie lange noch."It groaned at the darkness in agony.

"Lass mich raus," it whispered to the darkness.

It knew that there was not much time left.

It could feel it.

It's greatest desire was only seven days out of reach.

It would finally be translated past this confining demon's body into the body it longed to be in.

The body that was promised to him.

The body it was entitled to.

The body he had sought and obtained, and whose consciousness had been silenced forever.

Though it knew it's freedom would be ripped away again after a hundred and twenty days had passed, it still hung on to the cruel hope.

Soon, it would be let out again.

Though it knew it would be forced to cause trouble wherever it ended up in the human world, it wasn't bothered.

A few lives were worth escaping this body for even a minute.

A thousand deaths were worth escaping this body for a second.

It knew if it didn't take lives, this body along with it's other one would go up in flames.

And though it despised the dismal life behind this mirror of time, it still clung on to it desperately.

Because even the most wretched life was a precious gift.

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