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*About The Kidnapped Characters Vanessa (me Vvtomlinson) and Olivia (OliviaMahone17 on wattpad)*

Hi. I'm Vanessa. I'm 14 years, my hair is a light-ish brown, my hair just barley goes down to my the tp of my ribs, so it's not too long or too short. I have brown eyes, I wear glasses, even though I have contacts but oh well. I'm about 5 feet and 6 inches ,so I guess I'm kind of tall for my age or at least my family says I am. I guess I am tall because I'm taller than a lot of people in my family. Anyways I'm kind of a tomb boy. Also I love One Direction and I have to say I have a soft spot for Louis but enough about me let's move on to my cousin Olivia.

Hello, it's Olivia I'm 15 years old, my hair is a dark brown color at the top then gets light toward the tips and just like Vanessa my hair just barely goes past my boobs. I also have brown eyes like her I don't wear glasses, I'm about 5 feet and 4 inches tall so I'm shorter than my cousin but older. I am just slightly a tomb boy, but I think about boys a lot oh and I love Austin Mahone and One Direction but I have to say I like Austin Mahone a lot more.

(In this story we are 18)

Kidnapped by...Wait, But how? (Louis Tomlinson and Austin Mahone fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant