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"Well then ladies we will let you both talk alone for a while and then we will be down," Austin said once Vanessa and her kidnapper were in front of us.

"Ok," Vanessa said in a chirpy tone.

I looked at her surprised. Why would she be happy? Vanessa just watched them as they disappeared into darkness.

"Uh hello?!?!?!" I said in an annoyed tone.

"What?" Vanessa said as if everything was fine.

"Austin Mahone is my kidnapper," I told her.

"Awesome! Louis from One Direction is mine," she said happily.

"Why are you so happy?!" I asked.

"Because we just got kidnapped by our idols!!!" she said in excitement.

"Exactly! We got KIDNAPPED!!" I reminded her.

"Oh lighten up!" she said with a smile as she sits in the chair she was just tied to a couple minutes ago.

"LIGHTEN UP! YOU WANT ME TO LIGHTEN UP!!! I JUST GOT KIDNAPPED VANESSA!!!!" I yelled in frustration and annoyance.

"HEY!!! Your not the only one, ok," she half yelled even though her voice still boomed.

I tried to calm down a little bit.

"I know Vanessa but what I don't know is how you can be cheerful in a time like this. I mean think about it. We don't know how long there gonna keep us. Think about how much pain our families are gonna be in!" I told her.

"I know Ollie, but you have to look at the bright side not the down," she told me and grabbed my shoulders looking me in the eyes.

I slightly nodded.

"Fine, but I'm still going to make an escape plan," I told her.

"Good. I'll help," she said smiling.

Then we heard a door open.

"Are you girls hungry cause we've got dinner ready?" Austin asked from the top of hidden stairs.

"I am," Vanessa answered.

"Me too," I answered as well.

Vanessa held out her hand for me to take and I gladly did so. We walked hand in hand to the hidden stairs with smiles on our faces.

Kidnapped by...Wait, But how? (Louis Tomlinson and Austin Mahone fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें