Father Knows Best

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Haven't update this story in a while because my computer broke and I still trying to get it fixed, I have been work a lot lately. Shout out to my Godmother for letting borrow her laptop.

Dedicating to chapter to @CarenWa!! Thank you for liking my story and wanting me to finish it.

I sat there re-reading Cristiano's letter. I knew that I loved him. I didn't know how or why but I did.

There was a knock at the door but I couldn't bring my feet to move to answer it. I was so wrapped up in my emotions that I was paralyzed. I felt someone shaking me and I looked up to see my Dad looking at me with a worried look on his face.

"Are you okay?" he asked handing me some tissues.

I took the tissues and turned to the mirror. My make up was a messed up, but I did what I could to fix it.

My dad stood there looking at me waiting for a reply. I was stalling so that I could get myself together. I didn't really trust my voice.

"I will be fine dad don't worry about it," I told him.

"No, I am going to worry because you are my baby girl. I don't like seeing you cry, now what going you so upset?" he asked.

I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down. I looked him in the eye and told him everything. This was the first time I had ever opened up to my dad about a problem of mine. I told him my feelings and thoughts on the situation. I even let him read Cristiano's letter. I was so nervous telling him about my situation because I was afraid of his opinion. I didn't want him to think less of me.

"Well, got yourself into something serious, huh?" he chuckled a little.

"Yeah, but I don't know what to do," I said to him.

"I can believe it...the Cristiano Ronaldo. That man is a God over in Madrid. He is one hell of a player, got to see him play one time this kid is good," he said.

"So, you are a fan?" I asked.

"Am I a fan?" he scoffed. "That's like asking me if I am a man. Hell yeah I am"

I laughed at him.

"It seems like you got a difficult choice to make," he said.

"Yeah but who?" I replied.

"Sweetheart, every girl has her best friend, boyfriend and true love. You are lucky if you can find that all in one person," my father said.

"No, I don't because my best friend is Devin, my boyfriend is Brendan and Cristiano is my true love," I told him.

"I wasn't being literal, I was trying to give you some philosophical advice but I guess I didn't quite do it right," he laughed. "I think you should go for Cristiano."


"You just said the boy was your true love didn't you?" he smirked.

"Yes," I replied.

"Well, go get him because true love comes around once, I know you feel like you owe Brendan something but you don't. Someone once said if you're stuck between picking two guys pick the second one because if you really loved the first on you wouldn't have fallen for the second," he said.

"Dad, that was Johnny Deep," I told him laughing.

"Well, he was a smart man and talented," he laughed. "Now, go get that man before he truly move on with his life."

I smiled at him, "I think I will."

I got up and he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you daddy," I said pulling him into a hug.

"Your welcome baby girl," he replied.

"Help me out of the dress," I laughed.

"Okay, but first you need to deal with this wedding," he said.

I knew this was right but I didn't want to embarrass Brendan or my mom. I got out of the dress and put sweats and a shirt. I walked downstairs and got someone to get Brendan to come to me. I wanted to avoid the crowd of people.

I waited for him in front of the house. My nerves were going crazier as time went by. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I look around to see Brendan standing looking at me with wide eyes. He knew something was up.

"What's going on?" he asked. "You don't want to do this all of a sudden?"

"I knew along what I wanted, I was just afraid to admit it," I said.

"But not anymore," he said and I nodded. "What changed?"

"I just feel like this isn't right. We should be with each other, especially since we don't really love each other. You are a great guy and you deserve someone who really loves you. Someone who will treat you better. Someone who isn't in love with your friend," I told.

"He left this morning. Hugo told me that he went back to Madrid. I will call my pilot and tell him to start the jet," he said.

I looked at him in shock that he would actually suggest some like that.

"No, Brendan you don't have to do that-"

"I know I don't, I want to...I want you to be happy and if it is with him then I wont stand in your way," he said. He pulled the keys to his car out of his pocket and gave it to me.

I looked into his eyes and for the first time I didn't go weak at the knees. My heart beat didn't go crazy. My palms didn't start sweating. The look in his eyes were different...they were distant.

I took the keys and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Thank you so much!"

I went to the car that was decorated with balloons. I paused knowing that this was so wrong, but I went on anyway. I drove up the drive way leaving behind the man that was truly too good to be true.

Thanks for reading!!!

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