Love story or Tragedy?

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Another small update...

Dedicating this to caffeinatedream and everyone else whom commented!


"Baby, we need to talk," I said.

Brendan looked over at me and was about to say something when the doorbell rang. Whoever was at the door was really impatient because they started ringing it like a mad man.

I settled into the couch and decided to pick a movie to watch on Flixster. I picked one of my favorite story/movie The Great Gatsby. I heard Dom, Hugo, and Cristiano voices at the door and became irritated once I figured out that they weren't going to leave again. I turned up the TV to block out Dom excessive loudness. I started to get into the movie when someone who I assumed was Brendan sitting next to me. I leaned into his body like I normally who and turned the volume down once I could no longer hear Dom.

"I don't understand how girls love this movie," I heard Cristiano say.

I looked up and noticed that it was Cristiano I was leaning against and not Brendan. I immediately moved and Cristiano smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and settle back into the couch leaning away from him.

He laughed, "Seriously though, I don't understand how girls see this as a romance. This story about some poor unfortunate fool who fell in love with a rich girl, whom never really loved him the way he loved her. He became a drug dealer into order to get her attention and she pretended to love him back when he showed up again but he brought some interesting into her boring life. She killed someone and he took the blame getting himself killed and the bitch didn't even have the nerve to show up to his funeral. Tragic," he said.

I paused the movie and looked at him.

"What?" he said.

"Thank you for ruining a perfectly good movie with your negativity," I said looking away from him. I began to search for another movie.

"Your welcome," the asshole said smirking.

I rolled my eye and pick this Eddie Murphy movie called Harlem Nights. It was a seriously funny movie that could always make me laugh. I need something to lighten the mood because of how I was feeling.

"This movie is set back in the 20's," he said.

"Well...aren't you very observative," I replied.

"What is it about the 20's you like?" he asked.

"What isn't there to like? The music, the fashion, and just the overall thrill of everything. Men back in those days dressed in suits all the time and were actually out trying to be successful and not look successful. The men seemed to have moral and a sense responsibility," I told him.

"So, you like a man in a suit," he said.

I rolled my eyes, "Is that all you took from that?"

He laughed, "Pretty much"

"Whatever," I laughed. "The roaring twenties seemed like a wonderful time to live in."

"Yeah, from the glamorous side that they want to display. They didn't talk about all of the crimes, or the fact that, that was during the prohibition era when people were boot leg liquor, crime, and stuff. Each decade has its fair amount of good and bad," he said.

"Look at you knowing something about American history," I said.

"Learned it in school, I am not stupid," he said.

"Well, I personally loved that era," I told him.

"What is the difference between now and then? Maybe they dressed differently but the same racial stuff, crime, and partying that happened back then is happening now. It is just presented differently. I can say the only thing that we have that is better than back then is cellphones. People back then don't know what candy crush is. I couldn't live without candy crush," he said.

I didn't say anything because he made some valid points but it wasn't enough to change my mind.

"So, have you told Brendan about us?" he asked.

"No, I was going to but you guys came back and interrupted it," I said.

"Oh damn sorry, but you need to tell him soon or before the wedding. How do you think he would feel when he finds out that we have sex? I know in the beginning I was hell bend on taking you away from him but he is a good friend of mine and I don't want to hurt him. However, Soraya I have strong feelings for you that I can't ignore, I don't know how or why I got the feels but I have them. The more time we spend together the more you intrigue me. I look at you and I see more than this good girl act you constantly put on, I see the real you. I truly like what I see. I am going to pursue you, I just don't want to blindside Brendan with all of this," he said.

My heart started beating fast, especially when he started to lean in. What is this guy doing to me? He slowed up and turned my whole world upside down. It wasn't fair. I had just begun to get my life together and now he is messing up everything I worked hard for.

I pulled away just as Hugo, Dom and Brendan walked into the room. I put some distance between Cristiano and me by putting Brendan in between us. Cristiano was an amazing actor really he pretended as if their wasn't anything going on and continued to be his normal goofy self while I on the other hand was sitting there reeling over what was going on.

I was going to tell Brendan but I just needed to pick the perfect time to do it. I sat back thinking of my love life and how this all could play out. Would my love life end up began an envious love story or a sad tragedy?


What do you think?

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