The Next Day

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Another filler chapter! Cristiano and Dom comes in, in the next chapter ;) Hope you enjoy it!

Dedicating this to lindahh and everyone whom commented!


Soraya's POV

I woke up to a bright light hitting my face. Who in the hell would do such in evil thing? I cracked open my eyes to see light shining from an unfamiliar window. My eyes widen as the thought of being somewhere I didn't know set in. I sat up quickly only to realize that there was arms clinging to my waist. I looked over at the person lying next to me, he was a very attractive man but I didn't know who he was.

I took in his features. He had to have been 6 feet 1 with an athletic built body, or so I guess. He was every beefy and muscular. Black hair, tan skin, and an incredible sexy jawline. He had to be multiracial because no white guy had the exotic features that he had. I studied his face and he had seemingly a perfect face. It was strange how perfect it was, like he was a model or something.

I unwrapped his arms from my body and got up from the bed. I almost screamed when I realized that I was naked and so was the guy. Oh shit, I had sex with a incredibly hot stranger! What the fuck is wrong with me? Its official, I am going to die or worse get pregnant!

What if Brendan finds out? The thought of my fiancé and how dead I am going to be when he finds out what I did, this was too much. My friends were going to be dead once I find them. They were supposed to keep me from doing something crazy, like have sex with a stranger!

I started to freak out, especially when I noticed that the guy was starting to wake up. I grabbed my clothes and put them on as I ran out of the room. I checked to make sure I had my phone before I exited the suite of a hotel room we were in.

I took a sigh in relief once I made it to the elevators. I felt like I had successfully escaped the nameless guy and that he was the last of my long list of problems. When the elevator doors opened up to the lobby, I took in my surrounds as I exited the elevator. The hotel we had been staying was the Four Season Hotel, this hotel was the most expensive hotel in New York. That guy must have been loaded to be able to afford such a nice place because some of those rooms run 35,000 dollars per night.

I walked out of the hotel and got into a waiting cab. I gave the drive instructions to Devin's apartment. On the drive over, I took out my phone and scrolled through Twitter looked and the stuff my friends had posted throughout the night.

@DeviBaby: @ThatSoRaya's last night out before preparation of her big day begin. @BrendanP we will take good care of her. #GirlsGoneWild

@HayDay: @ShantiNorm and @DeviBaby are pissing me off right now, where is @ThatSoRaya when you need her?

@ShantiNorm: Took my first shot of Kamikaze and I have to say it wasn't bad. Now to get @HayDay to stop whining then the real fun can begin.

@DeviBaby: Woke up this morning without my bra, my bestie or any knowledge of how in the hell I got home. Let's just say last night was a success! Thanks @DomAvery and The Sapphire Club, you were great hosts!

@DomAvery: all I remember last night was bitches and bodyguards #KingStatus #YouWishYouHadMylifeSucka

I rolled my eyes at my TL, my friends are so weird but so am I so it works out just fine. I finally arrived to the apartment and let myself in. I looked around and saw all of them laid out all around the apartment.

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