Telling Him

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Small update. My birthday is Monday so I wont update until after that because i am going to celebrate for the next three days lol I made update again tonight...idk...depends you you guys want me too.

"Damn girl you got serious problems," Dom said licking his Mint Stracciatella ice cream after I told him more about the Cristiano situation.

"I know it is messed up," I said licking my Coffee Brownie ice cream.

It was Wednesday our day to meet up and just hang out during lunchtime. We all picked a new restaurant to go to that was close to NYU, afterwards we would always hunt down itizy's ice cream trunk to get some of their handcrafted ice cream. It was something that we had always did every since we met at the food trunk a few years ago and it has become a staple in our friendship.

"I wish I had your problems. I really want to be in a relationship with someone, Soraya! You are stuck between two great people whom lover you dearly, and I can't even find one," Dom said focusing on his ice cream.

We found a bench to sit on to talk.

"I don't understand were this is coming from," I said turning to look at him. I turned my body to the side and propped up my elbow and rest my head on my hand and looked at him giving him all my attention.

"I know I come across as the playboy, you know jumping from bed to bed but I really want to find someone that I can really my self with. Someone like you but not really you. I can bare my soul to you and you completely accept me and love me no matter what and I want to find that in someone but just a bit more. I want someone that makes me look forward to tomorrow," he said.

"You will find someone, I know you will," I told him.

"Right now I am not in a good place. Honestly, I am not okay and I am tired of telling people that I am. I'm exhausted. I am exhausted from trying to be stronger than I feel," he said.

When he said that my heart broken into a million pieces. I knew the feeling all too well. The feeling of not being okay and not feeling brave enough to say something about it, being depressed and not knowing what to do. I understand the feeling of needing a hug and to have someone tell you that it's going to be okay. Wanting to tell someone and just get it all off my chest. But not saying anything out of fear of rejection.

"I know," I said to him.

"I just really have no fucking idea of what I am doing or what I want," he said.

"Same, some moments I feel everything is good that I got it all figure out then the next moment everything is going to shit, but that is life. It isn't easy and it isn't going to get any easier but you will get stronger," I told him.

"Just hang in there?" he said looking at me.

"Yep, and you know you always got me. We can try to figure it all out together," I said. He smiled at me and it made me feel like our friendship just grew stronger.

"So, what are you going to do about Brendan? You need to just tell him," he said.

"I am tonight," I sighed.

"Okay quick putting off and stop letting mister superstar get in your way," he said.

"Who is mister superstar?" I said giving him a look.

"Oh my god," he said pulling out his phone. He asked Siri to find him info on Cristiano, "Here read this."

I read through the information the Wikipedia gave me and dropped the phone in my lap.

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