It Had To Be Done

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The past couple of weeks have been crazy! Brendan and I decided to move the wedding date up. Our mothers thought that moving up the date would keep us from backing out. Brendan and I agreed but decided that we would do what was best for us in the end.

I was happy that I finally finished summer classes. Summer school was the best thing for people who were trying to graduate faster but I hated doing because I would have to spend my summers in class and that was no fun at all.

After school was over was when we decided that we would get married. We waited to tell everyone the wedding was back on. We knew that some people wouldn't really understand what was going on and we was just trying to really keep everything between us. When you bring other people into your relationship is when things start to get messy.

Things were already kind of messy because of Cristiano. Cristiano had been blowing my phone up. We hadn't exactly talked about everything since he went out to for a promo tour. Plus, I was kind of scared to tell him anything. We all kind of agreed to no say anything until he came back.

I felt so bad for the entire situation because I did have feelings for him. I knew that I might have led him on but honestly it wasn't like he was the good guy in this scenario either. We both were at fault.

I looked over to see everyone at the rehearsal dinner. My nerves kicked in because this meant that everything is real. I just can't believe that the wedding was really happening tomorrow.

Dom took over the best man duties. He didn't like how fast we were doing this but he wasn't the one getting married. He was a great friend to me. It really hurt not having him around to talk to. He decided that he was only going to be there for Brendan, which I was okay with. I guess.

I was sitting at the table with Brendan watching everyone enjoy there dinner. I was somewhat happy about the festivities but I could shake this weird feeling I was having.

The wedding planner had called for everyone's attention, "So now we are going to have the maid of honor and best man speech."

Devin stood up holding her glass, "I am not good at speeches but I just wanted to say that I am happy for you two. Brendan you are a great guy and I know that you will treat her the way she is supposed to be treated. Raya, you are my best human other half. You mean the world to me and I love you! To the happy couple!' she said raising her glass for a toast.

Devin's speech was short, sweet, and simple. I gave her a huge smile and a thump up mouthing good job to her. I knew she hated public speaking and was only doing it for me. I appreciated her support through all of this.

 It was time for Dom's speech. Everyone was listening to him tell silly stories and laughing at the occasionally jokes that he made. I was laughing at him when I noticed something or someone standing in the doorway. The person looked like a tall man and my mind automatically went to Cristiano. I excused myself during Dom long speech when I was the person I assumed to be Cristiano turn to leave.

I followed behind the person keeping distance between us until I was sure it was him. My heart was beating fast because I was scared and not prepared for this. I didn't want to hurt Cristiano but it was enviable.

When the man turned the corner I got a good look at him and my assumptions where correct. It was Cristiano. I follow him out of the building.

"Cristiano wait," I said chasing after him.

He stopped and turn around to face me, "So, you are going through with it? You are going to marrying him?"

"Yes," I said lowly.

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