In the meantime...

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Dedicating this to @soccer_reading10 and everyone else whom commented <3

Dom walked back towards the living room where everyone was, I grabbed his arm pulling him off to the side. I looked around to make sure one was around to hear the conversation we were about to have.

"I know what you saw looks bad but-"

"But what? You kissed his friend, what the hell is going on?" Dom asked.

"The night out the girls and I had a couple of nights ago, I kind of slept with him when I was drunk. I didn't know who he was or that he was Brendan's friend!" I said.

"Oh shit, you finally fucked up! I was wondering when this was going to happen! Are you going to tell him?" Dom asked.

"Wait, what?" I said.

"Never mind that, are you going to tell him?" Dom asked again.

"Yes, but I just need time!" I said.

"Time for what? To get your lies together? There is nothing that you can do or say to soften the blow of this. Oh, you're in deep shit!" he said.

"I know, I know but I just need to get myself together, just let me tell him," I said.

"Fine, but you better tell him!" Dom said angrily walking away. He came back, "How the fuck you not know you Cristiano Ronaldo is when you literally fucked him?"

I rolled my eyes at him, "I don't know"

"There is this thing called Google, use it," he said.

I shook my head and we both walked back into the living room. Brendan was standing in the middle of the room about to giving announcement to the wedding party.

"I want to thank you guys for coming out to support Soraya and I's engagement. It really means a lot to me that all of you could come out here and be apart of everything. I had a brunch prepared for us so we can discuss the wedding and just spend time together before we all get busy with the stuff that is going on in our lives," he said.

Everyone agree with him and we all went into the sunroom to eat brunch. I made sure to keep my distance from Cristiano even though I was subconsciously aware of his every movement. Throughout the brunch my eyes would randomly wonder down the table in his direction. I would randomly be listening to his conversation with the guys, especially when he was telling a funny story.

I fell in love with his laugh; how he would throw his head back and squint his eyes. It kind of was a beautiful sight to see.

I felt I kick under the table, "stop looking so hard you will bring attention to yourself."

I looked over to see Devin giving me a look. I quick switch my sitting position so that Cristiano wasn't so easy in my line of view. I jumped into the conversation that the girls where having. I couldn't really pick up what they were saying but I just knew it wasn't good, especially when Ashanti wanted them to shut up.

After the brunch, the group broke up. The boys went to watch a 30 for 30 documentary on ESPN about some basketball player's career in the living room. I think it was Michael Jordan or something. I don't really care. The girls decided to go outside and sit on the patio and gossip about just random stuff.

"So, guys I have to tell you something," Ashanti said. "I didn't really want to say something until things were final but I don't want you guys hearing about this from someone else. So...Benji and I broke up two weeks ago. I thought we were going to work things out until I found out the he proposed to Jasmine Turner."

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