Tallah together again

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Tall-ah p.o.v

The wind has changed again but I still felt like a stone taking the beating of the oceans rage. I felt sad and even angry not sure how I got this way I barely know them yet my heart craves there touch all eight of them. Walking to the edge I could look down and see parts of the main entrance. Everything was so small and it was at that moment I saw six girls running toward Two others that seem to be leading a group of children they made a turn and enter the park as the new children play together with the kids who are already there. I Chuckled we will need a bigger park.

Looking at the group of people I started to look them over one by one then it hit me those aren't random people there my mates! They all went to there true forms and one of them stood there in amazement. She shifted soon enough and at that moment my heart swelled as they played my pride has grown and all I want to do join them. It was all instinct now the way I climb to the edge and how I felt the wind play with my hair. My back gave out first as it burst open and grew wings. Horrifying snaps and pops were heard as I look over toward my mates, my lovers and at that point I promised to do everything I could to protect them. My tail grew as my scales took over my skin. Horns on top of my head look just like battling spears. I felt like I was floating inside this huge body not sure how to get out but not fully wanting to leave. I let out a welcoming screech that could and probably did scare every living soul. I dropped myself from the wall and let the wind carry me to my mates who looked as shocked to see me as to see are long lost and recently found lovers.

The city bowed there heads in respect and fear as do my mates but I didn't want this. My voice didn't have the power of a dragon yet but my body was deadly as it was full grown. "Wait, guys, it's me Tall-ah stop bowing your all friends and family to me."

It wasn't until the boy I adopted ran out and hugged my leg I want to hug back but I was way to big to instead I scratched his small back with one claw. Yep I was huge I just wanted to hug my mates to see them play but as they looked at me it like something finally clicked Rose just smirked Tall-ah. I looked directly at her and nodded my head. She began to laugh hard really hard holding her belly and everything. "Let me, guest, you shifted on the roof without meaning to and now you're stuck?"

Venus slapped her to make her shut up. She walked to me in my form and hugged me, "Sorry it just that the bond felt so strong I couldn't ignore it, in fact, I swear it was pulling me. The real Erza approached me she was stiff and not sure what to do. She touched my scales and fire was all I felt they came and hugged me. "I'm so happy to meet you the real you Erza. I'm not to sure how to undo my self from this form but when I do I'm giving you a giant.....Hug..." My eyes wonder of to the distance as a dust cloud was formed I swear I was the only one seeing it.

The dust almost looked like smoke and as I looked I saw banners they flashed through my memory like poisoned daggers. This banner was old as time itself I remember it clear as day. They were the anti-royal army amassed by the outcasts of society and the leftovers of any other Royal hateing being out there. The alarms went off as it signaled the army to amass on our side everyone was unorganized and scared I flapped my wings until I took off and checked my feet to see if anyone was hanging on.

I flew right into battle I broke there lines first setting most of the place ablaze. I could see my army running towards me but slowing down and then stopping. Whipping my tail around I hit a couple creature and sent them flying to the death. I was pissed, the fire inside me reached a point where I couldn't keep it in and I burned everything. I took one guy in my mouth and throw him to the feet of the guards. They looked at him but stayed unmoving. It wasn't until I saw four figures appear on the frontlines that I felt safe and the need to protect was even greater. The battlefield was just a blazing fire I felt weak and tired my eyes didn't want to stay open. My head didn't want to keep itself up. There were no enemies. There was no more anyone I burnt them to ashes. I knew their banners and it triggered deep fear and anger and I had no idea why. My body was finally shrinking and my scales fell like snow off my body turning to dirt when they hit the ground. My horns disappeared next I crawled through the battlefield and soon my army descended on the enemy like vultures. Killing whoever survived, I kept crawling out of the fires that didn't burn me at all just a warmth. I tried to stand but fell to my knees every time I tried. I was so tired and I couldn't figure out why doesn't anyone else get tired. I finally make it out far enough so that my mate's can grab me. It was Venus who's arms were around me quickly wrapping me in a blanket. Piper and Rose make a shortcut to what looks like my room. I was picked up by Kiasak and was carried through the portal. I was so tired in fact I was in so much pain my muscles burned and my bones creaked and cracked. I was carried straight to my bed were the other four waited for us. I gently placed down and felt everyone presents me. I let sleep take over me knowing I'm 100% safe and so are they.

You think your safe pathic absolute pathic, your not and never will be a dragon-human. Look at you so indiscipline so untrained. Look at your self! You must be your own enemy looks at what you will become. You can't save your city! You can't save yourself and you will fail your mates. We are the darkness and we are growing.

Waking up in a sweat and a blur the light was turned on. The image still fresh in my mind I the last dragon will turn to a raging black as I find and kill innocents. "Sorry girls just a nightmare."

They looked at me, "didn't sound like a nightmare more like a conversation." Rose kissed my exposed shoulder and Piper was rubbing my back.

I smiled at them both and moved to the edge of the bed and swung my legs over. "Its nothing really it was just some stupid dream, go back to bed I will take a little walk around first and then come right back." I gave them all a small smile and left out the oak doors.

Walking around at night was different there was no sounds no worries just me and my footsteps. I found my way through the halls and made it to the gardens, the flowers were just lovely and they stood still just being what they were which was a flower. Taking a seat on the bench nearby I put my head in my hands. I was truly freaked out as if that dream was really me? What if I the last dragon turned what would I do? Will I do anything, after all, I been here maybe 3 months and that's only cause my life back home was pulled from under me.

I don't have all my memories back, in fact, I swear I gain some only to be more confused. I know the girls love me and I know they will do everything I need or want. Somewhere in my heart, I feel something for each one but still feel bad loving them at all.

I was in deep thought when I heard a crunch of wood chips and gravel. "Girls I told you to go to sleep?"

I was meet with no response at first but when they got closer and I saw them eye to eye. Four people, I didn't recognize standing in front of me. "Sorry, we're not who you think we are." The four beings stood in front of me one was a werewolf but was black a night and its fur was kind of whispy.  The next was a woman stood there in rags as poisonous plant wrap around her body. Behind her was a young boy who looked extremely out of place. Looking closer I noticed his right eye missing and his left arm is that of a bear. The last one just looked human nothing too noticeable his white hair, brown eyes, scare on his nose with a nicely tailored suit.

The boys smile at me, "This will only hurt a second." He was so sweet That I didn't think that much about what he said until a claw hit me ripping my stomach open throwing me into the shadows. I was at the mercy of these people but for some reason, my mind kept going back to my dream. I could care less about these guys. The shadows pulled itself Into a shape of a wolf when it attacked my throat, ripping out a chunk. I was then hit with two blasts knocking me through a wall I could feel pain but I was getting angry who do these guys think they are. Floodlights turn on in the garden as the guards were trying to figure out what was going on.

I would have loved to see their faces but my vision was swimming and my mind-body wasn't moving. All I heard was cries and yelling. "PROTECT THE HIGH QUEEN!" I knew they were getting slaughtered but when I heard my mates come rushing in something in me snapped. Piper and Rose were at my side in a second as well as Venus as the others battled with the intruders. I was bleeding out and no amount of magic was stopping it. Anger was consuming me and when I finally lost hope I gave my self up to it. Shutting my eyes I let my body do what it wanted. I shifted skin pulling apart bones snapping and growing to shape to its new form. A black dragon filled with rage the girls were already stumbling back, not to be crushed under the new weight. The guards stopped fighting the girls stopped fighting and as I stepped forward I knew this was what my dream was about.

Good to see you recognize me? I was hoping you did after all the strongest being on this planet has two sides of a coin, you are the last dragon.

I stepped closer two the intruder's anger tearing away myself control. Well, that's until a little boy runs out and wraps around my ankle. I take my other claw and lift it high and with all my might hit the intrudes up over the wall and into the surrounding forest. The guards were speechless, "Go and find their bodies if there alive let them go."

I started to shift down into my human form which somehow didn't have any damage. Picking up the boy in my arms he didn't care that I was naked and neither did I. I walked him to his room and cuddled up with him holding on to dear life this kid saved me and I'm not entirely sure how. I heard the menacing laughter in the back of my head every time I closed my eyes. I can't believe you hit them full force did you want to see them fly or something!! I fell into a light slumber with a voice always in my head.

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