Office Problems

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P.O.V. Priscilla

Grudgingly I got out of bed from all my other lovely wives I might be an omega werewolf but I know I must do something about the problems in the office.

Stretching my body out I end up popping my bones and yawning I never liked mornings but Elza always made them bearable. I sneak out of the room and down the hall, I tap on a maids shoulder and asked if she could bring my breakfast to Elza office. She of course nods and walks away.

Walking into the office was an awkward affair since most times I would end up on the desk reliving stress. Funny how that worked out, blushing I ran my hand on the ironwood desk and sat at the table.

Looking around made me feel small the towering bookcases the second and third floor all fill with bookcases and the desk with various items. Map, information on staff, murder files, citizen reports, complains against the guards. Hell, there's even papers on the wall that was supposed to be building plans for around the city. Look at the huge desk I spotted our picture just me and Elza we held each other under the night stars for ages when we took this picture. Of course, Elza had other pictures of the girls on her desk as well but it's surprising how that one was in the middle.

I start to dig into the pile of papers on the main desk and sort them by date and topic once that was well on its way my food came in so I ate and worked. My next task was to organize all the other sub desks which thank gosh they are smaller. I figured that working from the top down was easiest. There was mostly war papers and unsolved murders up on the third floor. They would be kind of hard to solve now that that war is over and the town was abandoned then repopulated. I decided to file all the papers by unsolved and if they were solved to just put them away. I was having to much fun humming to a tune I even started to clean up the third floor. when I was done, quickly going to work on the second floor which had most of the rules about the city and the things that need to be fixed. Water pipes, roofing, schooling, hospitals, the palace hell there was even planings for a shopping market to be built outside. This floor had way more papers then the third and I read everyone filed them according to date and situation. It was about 7 hours later when Tall-ah skipped in happy as can be my heart just kinda fluttered when she saw me.

"What are you doing?" She asks all happy and curious.

I gave her my smile that was obviously forced. "Someone needs to take Elza place until she is found so you are looking at her." I go for the next pile of dusty paper wondering how long they have been here. Looks like Elza clone wasn't keen on doing work.

She ends up sitting on my desk letting her legs dangle. Even now and then I would hear a soft thump as her heels hit the desk.

Then I found a piece of paper headline border control it reads: Jan 15, 2 hours after the second moon.

A woman, Darkly Tanned, Tall and has long Platinum hair and light gray eyes. She looked exactly like the queen but "I" Knew the queen came back already so I tried to capture the pretender only to have her disappear in the bush. That lead over a cliff the rate she was running she must not have had time to stop and slid off.

Report summited

I caught my voice and was sad to read this now of all times it must have been hard to run from a place you thought was home. But the report didn't mention a body so she could still be alive!! My love can still be alive I must search for her.

Yet I still have a pile of papers that needed to be dealt with. I looked at what I found and most of it, not all had to be taken care of by the high queen herself. She was still here staring at me. "Tall-ah love would you like to help me out I got some tasks for you do."

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