Blood in the Snow/ Reunited

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So just a few notes my next Chapter is going to take a bit to put up because my laptop kind of is broken... ya I'm going to try update this story with my phone but that might take awhile but it will be faster than waiting for a new laptop. Also so I want to thank the people who followed me and added my story on there reading lists. It means a lot when I feel like people like my stories. Thank and have a good read... That didn't sound right???

After the meeting about the returning energy with the seven other queens, I still had my message to send to every witch. I was heading toward the underground tree root communication center also know as TRCC. The roots of this tree can send a message through the entire realm and amazingly only allies of the high queen can read them so this is the safest and fastest way on sending anyone any information. 

Walking into the room it's a bit small but also comforting place. As roots grow in front of my path I had to gently redirect them in order to get to the place I needed. Piper told me a while ago that the roots are aware. This tree can do so much yet I still haven't connected fully with the island yet.

I walk up to a stand where roots made a little-tilted table to write on. Raising my hands so they were directly over the stand I focused until I felt a root firmly wrap around my soul, I spoke in my thoughts as the root took the knowledge I was giving it and sending it out toward our allies. "My sister's and to all who are reading this I'm happy to say the positive energy laws has now been lifted! I can not say why or how the energy came back but I wish you all to have a great day my friends." With that, I removed the stiff root that wrap around me mentally waking my sleeping body in the process. It wasn't even a couple seconds that the TRCC was starting to change again roots start to curl up and the system started to slowly go into a defensive position? I was so busy looking at this odd thing that I almost missed a large leaf growing on one of the roots. As I Removed the leaf from the root the rest of the roots slowly went back to normal. It read "She's back and after the murderous pack! Goes ask your wolves if they're ready to bathe in the same blood as there high queen!" I quickly exited the underground room in search of the others.

Tall-ah P.O.V.

Waking up was a comforting affair. With Sigrun and Ingolfr sleeping soundly around the coal lit fire. I yawned as I woke up by stretching my body.

I sat there in a zoned out state as I started remembering the dream I fell into last night. It wasn't scary nor was it surprising in the least it was just a calm and safe place for me to drift.

Eight women were present in my dream and they all were extremely beautiful one has hair that ran down her back that was the color of a raven feather, soft to the touch. Her eyes were a peaceful brown and her lips were full but covered in blue lipstick. Her skin is a cream color, flawless and covered with a dark blue makeup. Four sharp scars marks were on the left cheekbone that gave her a badass kind of look. Her arms were tone and long and as they wrap around me. She smelt like a rain forest and as I fell deeper into her stare I felt that she was more of a puzzle type of girl instead of the straightforward person who wears their heart on their sleeve. 

Out of nowhere, arms grab us pulling us both into a death-defying grip. As I study the new set of limbs my eye wandered over the sun-bleached skin with many pale scars. She was taller by a good head from the other one and her eyes were a piercing blue with black hair that was a statement of her bold nature. She stared down at me with an earnest smile that showed her pearl white teeth. But her nose was the thing that caught my attention the most. It was so small and had a scar on the top of it. She was a tall sexy woman with the word unstoppable written all over her.

I was pulled roughly out of the two pairs of arms by strong hands. The person in question was biting my ear sensuality. It was so endearing the way she did it, also it's so adorable. Her touch was so familiar as I grab her arms and twist to look into her green eyes she grins and licks my nose with playful laughter that follows. Her hair is cut short and the color is a hazel brown. Freckles covered her body or at least the parts I can see. She wore some funny looking cutoffs and a long flowing top that only stop around her upper thigh. 

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