Old lovers

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We were halfway there when some of them looked as if they were recovering or at least getting used to the pain. I wasn't too sure what to do at that point until Kiusak yelled at me from the side. "Make them see nightmares!" I cocked my head to the side I just learned I could make them have headaches how the hell do I make them see illusions?" She yells back at me. "The same way you gave them a headache just think of an image." It didn't sound possible but hell none of this should so I closed my eyes and thought of things. No one like heights so I got rid of the ground they were standing on and then the sky and the hills." Apparently, it was working cause everyone was slowing there running pace and making sounds of amazement. I opened my eyes to see the vampires that were on the wall are now floating in the air completely motionless. I was going to say something but I was just as amazed.  Ingolfr continued his steps as we neared the castle wall its funny I thought we would just jump over it but instead, he used his claws to dig into the stone and pull his body up that's what most of them did except for the witches who just seemed to appear where ever we need to go. Like teleportation just close range.

I didn't like the smell of blood in the first place but this was a whole new level of blood I told Sigrun and Ingolfr to stop. I got off and continued on foot. The wolf brothers stood on both sides of me and Kiasak behind me in her bear form carrying Sabling on her back I grabbed two handfuls of fur from both of them as a safety net and my form of control. As I kept walking not knowing where I was heading I heard a scream, well not just me but everyone. I quicken my pace to the hallway of doors another cry of pain could be heard. I open the nearest door to find a disturbing sight of organs and blood. Quickly shutting the door I opened the next and then another one all equally as disgusting as the next. I reached the last one and opened it. The wolves ran in and searched the room but nothing was found. Sabling then walked into the room, "it's spelled? This whole place is, we need to break the spell that is covering the truth." 

I then turn around to look at her. "How do you do that?"

She smiles, "well this is turning into a lesson isn't well first to find the magical link connecting all of us to this place then you simply cut it."

 I was past confused but willing to give it a shot. "Great how do I see this link thing???" 

She scratches her head and looked around before forming a thought. "umm well you don't really see it you feel it then it will show itself to you take a breath closes your eyes and focus on your body you will feel a light pull on your soul follow it then once you reach a certain point it will show itself." 

I was looking at her like she was crazy but tried it out anyway doing what was explain surprisingly it worked and I finally saw it I just need to break it. I was going to tear them apart but was surprised when they just disappeared into thin air. I felt a sinking feeling in my gut and opened my eyes once again looking at my new surroundings. It was white walls with pink sheets and stuff bears everywhere when exiting the room my guard was lining the hallways I left the hallway back to the other main room and found stairs that lead to a second floor and then a door that probably leads to a basement. I groaned as I looked in the basement might as well get the scary part over with. Walking down the stairs they surprisingly they didn't give out under us. when we reached the bottom it was covered in sand and had strange plants growing in the walls of stone. Surprisingly everyone can fit in the room it was pretty vast. Almost as if it was an underground beach without the water. I ended up between Ingolfr and Sigrun again taking a hand full of fur we continued only to stop by a birdcage and a man with black hair and red eyes. I looked at the man closely not understanding why he was so familiar with his dark skin and black nails. Then I peered toward the cage looking inside. " Venus!!!" She was weak and looked sickly and her breathing wasn't right. "Don't worry we will get you out of there!"

The man laughed quietly to himself his hand covered his face with the other holds a cane. "You have grown up, look at you, I remember when you were this high and taking over lands mine included."  Making a gesture of hight by his chest I was still shorter than him but as my anger grew something else grew with it. "Let her go now and I will not kill you," I said in the calmest voice I could muster. 

He jumped around smiling like a fool. "The big strong rare hybrid going to hurt me." I was passed angry and then I noticed his expression changed he was scared of something. My anger grew as rage was building not even a thought of why.

Ingolfr and Sigrun took off in a flash of light they were demons now? Their hides were on fire and their eyes held nothing just black, with horns that were sharp and curled on top of there heads, a demon-like tail whip around behind their back legs. They were furious, it looked as if they were all most as angry as me. I watched as they corner him into a wall I wanted to watch this man get torn from limb from limb but had more pressing matters. Quickly I ran to the oversize birdcage looking at it I yelled, "someone opens this door now!" I then stepped back as a man from my group ran up and pulled it off its hinges.  I could feel the negative energy pouring from it I quickly ran inside feeling power leaving my body. I ran up to her side and shook her a bit hoping to get rid of her clouded mind. She was too far out of it, but had a spur of the moment Idea. Quickly I grabbed the dagger and sliced my hand opens as blood gush every vampire in the area knew whose blood it belongs to. Quickly I shove my hand in her mouth letting the liquid seep into her mouth. She was coming back, not as much as I thought I kept it there until I felt sucking. She opened her eyes completely and was able to stand and walk we were heading out when we saw the vampire army just outside the wire like a bird cage. Ingolfr and Sigrun still had the guy trapped against the wall.

The vampire army looked at the man then the demon wolves then me. Taking a deep breath I walked in front of the massive army that must have been easy 50 times the size of my guard. We were overwhelmed by the odds we faced. If I can talk my way out of this I will be lucky. "Welcome my dark creatures of the night. I'm Tall-ah Green I've returned to claim what is mine but was saddened to hear that only the witches stayed loyal and waiting other than my guards so I have come back to take my legion back." No one dared to move or breath afraid of the tension and how it might break. "Funny, that I found this pathic thing in my place." I stop and give them my best side smile as I saw the head vampire still fighting. Laughter sounded from the depths of my belly. "Hahahahaha...... kill him!" The Wolves did just that cries of pain could be heard but I just stood there smiling. "Now you can come back with me and become my night guardians or you can go through that whole process all over again of finding a new va....." Clapping interrupted my speech and I looked around to try to locate it a vampire was smirking at me with his nice clothing making him look like a royal and this white fangs proving he was no moral. I peered back at the corrupted corpse that was lying on the ground that was mauled by beasts. The demon wolves came to my side snarling at the man. The man made eye contact with me and smiled once again. "Good job my brother was an idiot! Thinking he could overpower you. Even if you returned....." I was passed shocked as the man looked exactly like the other one who was just killed like a twin. "Your highness I was in your army before and wish not to fight but to warn you. Thou's you think are close to you will be your wound or knife. The puppet only has one goal and that to survive." He disappeared in a puff of smoke while a Kiasak was yelling something at him. Turning my attention to the crowd I look at a chair that was quite nice for a throne if you were a vampire lord. I sat in it, "Anyone wants to challenge me will be forced to deal with them first pointing to my four warriors Ingolfr, Sigrun, Kiasak and now my lovely Venus who seems to be back to top strength. Of course, the army ahead of me acknowledged my strength and bowed. "Guess its time to go home."

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