"Wands down! Anyone harms him - they'll answer to me-" Graves turns to Credence. "CREDENCE!"

"Credence..." Tina murmured in a hushed whisper. The Aurors suddenly pelted the Obscurus with spells, much to Rosemary's horror. "Wait!"

Graves looked horrified. "NO!" He shouts, as the spells hit Credence, his face contorted, as he howled in pain.

They continue to aim spells, curses, charms at the Obscurus. Rosemary felt her knees turn jelly. "Wait! Wait!" She tried to shout, but her voice was drowned by the sounds of the spells.

After a dozen spells, the Obscurus seems to explode, a white ball of magical light engulfing the black mass of what was left of Credence.

The force sent Rosemary flying to her feet, including the others. Luckily now, Rosemary skidded in the floor, and her back turned from the stone wall.

Power subsides, the light has vanished. Rosemary was in a daze, Tina's eyes were wide. And Newt..

"Newt!" Rosemary rushed to the memory of him, but he sat up and propped himself well. "I'm okay, Rose." He kissed her lips as they shared a passionate kiss with each other.

Tina breaks down in tears, Newt's face was filled with deep-felt grief. Rosemary doesn't know how to feel.

How exactly to describe it.

Rosemary felt like a hollow block of wood - empty, fragile, and about to shatter. Grief and anguish was what he thought of them as such, but it was deeper than that.

However, Graves, her father, climbs back onto the train platform, as he narrowly avoids the remnants of the black mass of the Obscurus.

The Aurors advanced at Graves, with their wands pointed to him. Rosemary immediately stood up, in defense for her father, even after all he has done to her, and her friends.

He is still her dad, and she'll respect the fact that he is the man she looks up to, and the person who takes care of her, and nurtures her.

"You fools. Do you realize what you've done?" He spat at them, as fury filled his face. Rosemary whipped her wand out. "What?"

Her father ignored her petty question, as the others watch him with interest in their dark eyes. The president, Seraphina Picquery emerges from behind the crowds of Aurors, her face crossed and mad.

"The Obscurial was killed on my orders, Mr. Graves." Picquery's voice was steely, almost demanding. "What do you suppose I do?"

"Yes. And history will surely note that, Madam President." Graves replied to her, with an angry tone.

Graves moved towards the president, as he was surrounded by the Aurors of MACUSA. "What was done here tonight was not right!" His voice sounded threatening, and Rosemary shivered in Newt's arms.

"He was responsible for the death of a No-Maj. He risked the exposure of our community. He has broken one of our most scared laws." Picquery argued back at her father. Rosemary stared up to him. "Please don't do this, dad." She murmur quietly in her lips.

Graves laughs bitterly. "A law that has us scuttling like rats in the gutter! A law that demands that we conceal the true us! A law that directs those under its dominion to cower in fear lest we risk discovery!" Rosemary stared blankly at him, her eyes wide.

"I ask you Madam President." He paused, as his eyes flashed to every person in the room. "- I ask all of you. Who does this law protect?"

"Us?" He pointed to himself, "-Or them?" He pointed vaguely above, while he smiled bitterly at the president, and walks away.

Seraphina turns to the Aurors at her side. "Aurors, I'd like you to relieve the wand of Mr. Graves and escort him back to -" Graves moves towards the platform, but a wall of white light blocks his path.

He sneers with derision and irritation, and turns around. Graves strides confidently back along the platform, and firing spells at the Aurors. Spells flew back and forth, as Rosemary grew dizzy watching them. "Stop! Stop!"

In a spli-second Newt pulls the cocoon from his pocket, and releases it at Graves. The Swooping Evil soars around him, shielding Newt and the Aurors, as he was given time to raise his wand at Graves.

A crackling rope of supernatural light wraps itself around Graves like a whip. He staggered around, trying to free himself from the binds, and falls to his knees in defeat.

"Accio." Rosemary spat, and her father's wand flies into her hand, which she hands to Tina, with hatred filling in her eyes before Newt and her advance.

"Revelio." They both utter, and Graves transformed into a whole new different person. Rosemary stares in disbelief.

He is no longer the dark haired, early middle-aged father that Rosemary knows, but in lieu of that, was a sandy blonde man with blue eyes. He looks awfully like the man in the posters, before Rosemary realizes.

"Grindelwald." She gasped in horror. But if Graves was her father, and Grindelwald was hiding behind him, that just means....

"Hello, my dear child Rosemary. How I've missed you." He gave her an evil toothed grin, as Rosemary's lungs almost fluctuated in horror.

Ooh! I believe that the next chapter will be the last? I think so. So... It's finally revealed. Rosemary is Grindelwald's daughter. I've been wanting to get to his point ever since I started writing this book, but oh well! I'm done with it, and I'm excited to press the completed button! Maybe I'll be able to finish this book by tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, sounds good?
Thanks for the 1.4k reads!

~ Reyhanne Starkfelt~

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