He walked away, snagging another member of the tech crew and speaking quickly about something, gesturing with both hands.

"If you were just flirting with my future husband by complimenting his technical prowess," Will said, mock-sternly, as he pulled his costume off and favorite sweatshirt back on, "I will end this friendship faster than his scene changes."

"Relax, I know he's off limits," Magnus reassured, laughing at his threat. "Until you've tried, that is."

Thwap! Will smacked Magnus playfully with the arm of his sweatshirt.

"Kidding! Hey, since you're already redressed-"

"Magnus, I have one leg in my pants, how the hell am I dressed-"

"Since you're basically redressed, wanna take my costume with yours and hang them up?"

"I hate you," Will said with no real fire behind it, collecting both costumes and sighing.


Shaking his head with a smile, Will shouldered his bag and left the crowded dressing room, making his way towards the seemingly endless costume racks backstage. After a painstaking double (and triple) check that all of his costume pieces were properly returned and that his dance shoes were in his bag, he searched for Magnus's hanger, watching the racks fill back up as fellow dancers and singers returned everything and flocked to the stage to check what notes Jem had for them.

Magnus was standing with two other dancers, Sophie and Gideon, when he strolled back up to them.

"Get your notes yet?" Gideon asked.

"No," Will responded, forcing himself to calm down at the thought of talking to Jem. "You?"

"Yeah, I'm good to go, it was just the usual 'watch your landing on so-and-so leap and come to this spot for so-and-so number in time to meet up with Sophie exactly' sort of thing." Gideon shook his head, bemused. "I have no idea how on earth he keeps track of all that. He has notes Charlotte doesn't even catch."

"Never question a stage manager," Magnus said, nodding sagely. "It's also possible he exchanged his soul for the ability to perfectly run a show while having slept for like two hours."

Sophie rolled her eyes. "There's no witchcraft involved. He's just good at what he likes to do. I'm heading out, guys, text me if anyone is doing a coffee run tomorrow."

She left with a wave, Gideon following behind as Magnus and Will made their way to the stage.

"You coming?"

"I'll catch up with you tomorrow," Will said. "I'm going to stay and talk to Jem for a bit now that there's only a few people left on his list."

Magnus wiggled his eyebrows, smirking. "Good luck, lover boy. I expect details tomorrow. Preferably with a a side of caffeine. "

"Yeah, yeah, I'll make the coffee run. See you tomorrow."

As the theatre slowly cleared out until it was just Will and Jem left on the stage, Will took a deep breath and stepped closer. Suddenly the stage he'd been crossing all day seemed much more intimidating.

"And that just leaves..." Jem muttered to himself, looking up and smiling when he saw Will. "You."

"Best for last, huh?"

"Something like that," Jem agreed, finger tracing through his pages of notes until he found Will's name. "Here we go. So, William-"

"I'm only William when I'm in trouble. Call me Will."

Heronstairs: A Fluff CollectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora