Childhood friend

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Hello there and welcome to my first one shot chapter, hope u like it.

"Now class, I would like you to say hello to our new student" A teacher told to her class. "Her name is Serena Yvonne and she is from the region of Kalos"

"Kalos?" The whole class asked. "Where is that?"

"It's far away from here" the Teacher explained. "Very far away from here, indeed"

Then the teacher of the class turned around to face the young classmate.

"Would you mind if you will sit next to.........Ash Ketchum, over there?" She Pointing out an empty seat next to him.

"Okay Miss" The young honey blonde nodded.

Serena went and sat next to Ash. He was a little 5 year old boy. Shy and hardly talked. People thought he was a mime or a dumb person that can't even talk. He had no friends or any siblings and always sat by himself under the huge oak tree. Having someone actually sitting next to him was something he never saw coming.

"Hi!" Serena smiled brightly at the shy boy.

Ash didn't reply but got on with his drawing. Serena was confused why the young five year old boy didn't reply. So she thought to say something else.

"What's your name?" she questioned.

"My name is Ash" he answerd, in a quite tone but loud for serena hear it.

"Nice to meet you Ash, My name is Serena, Hi!" she greets as she opened up her lunchbox, revealing snacks.

"Umm Hi" Ash replied as he took another bite from his apple.

"Hey do you want something from my lunchbox?" Serena asked.

"Am I allowed to?"

"Of course" she smiled. "Friends are allowed to share food"

"Friends? What are friends?" Ash questioned, narrowing his eyebrows.

"Well...umm...I think friends are people that you like and are special, that's what My Mom told me, but I forgot most of what she told me" Serena explained as she got her Cadbury chocolate bar and snaps it into half. "Here, you can have this"

"Thanks...friend" Ash smiled back, at his first friend.

the two ate their food and when the bell rang, the class dismissed.

the two best friends hold hands back to class. When they where outside, their class saw them and started to accuses them as boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Huh, What's that?" Ash densly questioned while Serena blushed.

The whole class laugh and was about to tell them until their teacher came out and told Ash and Serena to join the line so they could get inside.

It was free time for the whole class. A few people went on the computers to play minecraft. Some dressed themselves up and started to play knights and dragons.

Meanwhile Ash and Serena were sitting on their table drawing on a piece of paper with crayons.

"Hey what is that?" Serena pointed out at the paper.

Ash shurruged. "Well, I don't know"

"It looks like a yellow mouse" Serena added as she got a red crayons and drew two red circles on both of it's cheeks.

Ash got a black crayon and coloured the tips of it's ear. Then they both drew a zig zag tail at the end.

"It looks cute" the young girl chimed. "It should have a name"

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